Saturday, August 29, 2015

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals Amongst Us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day. 

slainte mhath

Saturday, August 15, 2015

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals Amongst Us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day. 

slainte mhath

Thursday, August 13, 2015

More harlequins done

So I'm setting into three of the large projects before me fairly well, keeping momentum in all. First the harlequins. 

Here we have the next four finished except for the basing, which I'll do once the next three are done.

Next we have a mechanicus army I will be assembling for my friend Jake, which he will then send off to some foreign bloke. That's what they call each other over there, or at least what I've learned from television. I decided to start nice and easy, with the thralls. Three pieces including the base. 

Hocus pocus and 'poof'

Most of the arms required me to boil water, and refit the arms. Dipping the arms by holding the gun barrel and a few seconds, ready to go. Insert on to the body, squeeze, dip in cold water, and you've got a nice fit, already to go.

I'll post my efforts on this jerk next week.

Hey! That's a lot more then three parts.

On a final note here is a link to the Realms of Chaos 80s blog. This post is a collection of photos of Tony Acklands art from a recent old hammer event in England. Mr. Acklands madness brought forth with pencil, an example of one of the depraved minds that created the greatness of warhammer. Games Workshop's artist today simply have too much sanity.

And of course please check out my personal blog

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tips for Painting Multiple Flesh Tones

Say you have a tremendously cool client who wants different coloured flesh tones on his/her models, or you want to mix up the skin tones of your models.  Here's something I stumbled upon.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Imperial Guard Flamers Completed

The more I paint the smaller the squads get.  Next up are ten sergeants.  Well nine.  One was used as the second test model.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Imperial Guard Flamers part 1

Another squad on the table.  Quite enjoying this commission!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals Amongst Us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day. 

slainte mhath

Friday, August 7, 2015

Imperial Guard Feedback

This is my favourite part of a commission.  Learning the customer's eye.  Completely admit this should've caught my attention.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons Team Completed

This commission has me seriously considering only doing IG commission work.  Forget all the other models out there.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons Team part 1

Here's another chunk of the IG commission.  Almost damn fun unit if you ask me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Russia Attacks with Moveable Type

This is probably an uninteresting post for many.  Yet for a select few it my find purchase and even a similar story.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals Amongst Us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day. 

slainte mhath