Tuesday, May 29, 2012

40k 5th ed Lexicon v1.4

Lexicon Tuesday.  There's great deal of information about 40k all over the web.  Many of them use short hand to communicate their message.  I'm compiling a lexicon to help me decipher what they mean.  Warseer is great that it has the terms linked to what they can mean.  I endeavour to copy their method in the future.  In the mean time I hope you learn as much as I do if not more.

Tasha, Suijin and Anon's have provided entries.  If you'd like to provide some make a comment.  Will update this post and put credit where its deserved.

slainte mhath

++: Invulernable Save
d6: Roll 1 six sided dice
2d6: Roll 2 six sided dice
Alpha Strike: Tremendous amount shooting meant to cripple if greatly hinder the opponent in the first round of shooting.
AP: Armour Penetration.  If weapons AP is less than Sv target cannot roll Save.   
ATSKNF: and They Shall Know No Fear
B2B: base-to-base
BatRep: Battle Report.  Results of a game.
BotBG: Blessing of the Blood God, Khorne Gift
Bubblewrap: Unit or units used to protect other units. q.v. 12.5.9 Necron vs Chaos Daemons for example.
CC: Close Combat
CD: Chaos Daemons
CSM: Chaos Space Marines
DBJ: Don't be a Jerk!  Tag we put on back of CONvergence badges.  Be cool, don't piss off fellow players thus maintain potential gamers for future games.
DE: Dark Eldar
DK: Dreadknight, Grey Knights
DoA: Descent of Angels.  Ability of Blood Angels re-roll failed deep strike and scatter d6 instead of 2d6
DS: Deep Strike
DW: Draigowing, a Grey Knight army list
DoW = Dawn of War, another of the 3 mission types in the game.  Credit: Suijin.
EL: Eldar
EML: Eldar Missile Launcher (p104 40k 5th)
(F)LGS: (Favourite[Friendly]) Local Gaming Store.  The place where your wallet goes to die.  [Friendly] Credit: Tasha.
FNP: Feel No Pain.  Ability to shrug off some wounds.  Chaos Space Marines Winds of Chaos not one of them.
GEQ: Guard Equivalent: Lots of 5+ or worse saves (low stats)
GK: Grey Knights
GKSS: Grey Knights Strike Squad
GT: Grand Tournament. Regional event that usually consists of 2-3 days of 40k battles to determine the best player at the event.
H2H: hand-to-hand
KP: Kill Points.  One of three missions in the game.
LOS: Line of Sight
MEQ: Marine Equivalent: 3+ save (high stats)
MSU: Multiple Small Units.  Elites, Troops, Fast Attack in squads less than 10.  Designed to spam the field and provide target saturation.  Target saturation provides a tremendous amount of units for your opponent to shoot at.
NE: Necrons
SoB = Sisters of Battle (AKA red-headed step children of the Imperium) Credit: Suijin.
Sv: Save, have to roll equal to or greater than number to avoid being wounded.
SW: Space Wolves
tic tacs:  Little white tablets you use to win.
Tabled: Every model has been removed from the table.
TEQ: Terminator Equivalent: 2+ save (high stats)
TH/SS: Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield
VP: Victory Points.  Victory Points equals the cost of the squad.  i.e. Vect is killed opponent gets 240 VPs.
WAAC: Win at all Costs.  A method to abuse the game mechanics to win the game.
WIP: Work in Progress, stages a model goes through when being put together and painted.

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