Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dark Eldar Pain Tokens

Have my first game tomorrow with my new Dark Eldar army.  Everythings painted and ready to go.  Decided to spend a couple of hours today to paint my Pain Tokens.

Constructed the pain tokens in Jan.  Here are the pics and description from facebook.

When putting together my Dark Eldar I wanted to have custom pain tokens. Finally got tired of having dice indicate if they have pain tokens. Bought some bases, dug through my bit box and started making them.

Pain Token set 1. These are tentacles from Chronos Parasite Engine. First Pain Token gives the unit Feel No Pain. Ability to ignore some wounds.

Pain Token set 2. These are from Reavers and a Raiders. Second Pain Token gives the unit Furious Charge. Added Strength and Initiative when charging into combat.

Pain Token set 3. These are Wyche knives from the Wyche boxset. Third and final Pain Token gives the unit Fearless. Ignores Morale Rolls so they don't run away from combat.


Pain Token set 4. These are from Raider boxset. How a Dark Eldar unit gains Pain Tokens is by killing an non-vehicle enemy unit. Dark Eldar units can gain more than 3 Pain Tokens. Excess of 3 Pain Tokens don't yield further benefits.


New pain tokens! Space Marine heads. ([above] Working on a kneeling Space Marine who's given up. That is going to be awesome!)

All my tokens ready to be painted.

Going to be lazy here.  Based tentacles Chaos Black.  Bladevanes watered down Boltgun Metal (a big mistake I made when painting my Dark Eldar).  Wyche knives Brazen Brass (Brassy Brass).  Trophy ornaments water down Boltgun Metal.  Marine helmets Blood Red for Blood Angels, Regal Blue for Ultramarines and second shade Space Wolf Grey for Grey Knights.

Did some highlighting here.  Tentacles Liche Purple.  Chainmail on bladevanes, poles and spear.  Badab Black wash on knives.  Rotten flesh on skulls.  Dark Flesh on Kroot.  Ice Blue on alien skull.

Further highlight.  Really skimping here.  Ice Blue on tentacles.  Delvan Mud on skulls.  Blazing Orange on Blood Angels helmet.  Ice Blue on Ultramarines.  Space Wolf Grey on Grey Knights.  It's shody work, it works for paint tokens.

The last little bit.  Based pain tokens.

Plan to paint the kneeling marine Blood Angels.  Also plan to make another kneeling marine and paint him Grey Knights.

Good news is my murder table, work table, is now clear of Dark Eldar stuff.  Clipped the extra bits from sprues and put them in the Dark Eldar bit box.  Feels good to have a slightly cleaner work space.

slainte mhath


  1. Wheres the pic of the painted kneeling Space Marine???

    1. Its the opening pic under the title. Above the link to open the post. I know when I look at blogspot through my work pc some pics don't show up. Just an image of an X or broken image icon.

      slainte mhath

  2. My bad, didn't completely read the comment. Haven't painted the kneeling space marine yet.
