Friday, July 13, 2012

12.7.12 Wave Serpent 1 of 2

Done with the first Eldar vehicle.  Had a choice:  call it a night and blog or jump right into the next model.  Tallarns voice went through my head.  " [sic] Model, paint, game then blog.  You can mix up the first three however you want make sure blog is always last.  Never lose sight of the goal."  So I followed the advice and grabbed the next vehicle.  Wave Serpent.  Shawn has two of these.  I don't have any.  This is the model that is stopping me from playing my Eldar again.  I have A Lot of Eldar.  I certainly don't want to buy models just to play them again.

Shawn's Wave Serpent needs a little love before I can get down to business with it.

Excuse me while I whip this out.  My favourite tool.  The guy who has saved me more than any model tool I have.  Hand drill!  Yes, sexy you.  You know what to do and never fuss.  I love you because of it.

When Shawn opened his army transport army division case I saw one of his wave serpents moral was broken.  Told Shawn I would fix it.  Time to get that antenna erect.  Hello, hand drill, I love you so much.  Quick drill here and there.  Pulled out RPG/40k buddy Joe's suggestion Loctite Super Glue Gel, paper clip already used for other pinning and my snippers.  Less than 2 mins later and all is better with the world.

Yay!  Fixed.  Like a proper Eldar wireless receiver should be.

Profile pic before I butcher it with my paints and brushes.  It will be a long, grueling, down right dirty fighting brawl.  Don't know who will win.  Wave Serpent or I.  Will bring the best fight I can.  It might have some tricks the Fire Prism didn't.

So far its tricky.  It convinced me to start applying Surf Aqua without using tech pen.  After starting the tip of the right front I stopped.  Cleaned the brush.  Put the cover on the wet pallet so the Surf Aqua wouldn't dry out.  Serious, thank you, David.  That is a great painters tool.  Used tech pen to divide the plates.  Then opened wet pallet and grabbed the brush.  Time to paint.  Unfortunately only able to do one side because of time.  Need to put this up on blog and catch Jon Stewart Daily Show online before going to bed.  It's 2:38am.  Work at 8am and need to do some work on my Vampire game for tomorrow night at Fantasy Flight.

slainte mhath


  1. Nice work - slow and steady is the way to take it. I have been working on a new marine project for 3 months so far and all I have done is the priming!

    Looks like you have the right idea, blogging will take care of itself if you keep painting, modeling and playing - and having fun!

  2. Thanks, Tallarn. Hopefully your marines get some love soon.

    Great advise about making blogging last priority!
