Saturday, August 25, 2012

Refusing a Challenge, Heroic Stand & Characters

Was talking about 40k after our RPG ended.  Surprise, surprise we ended up talking about a 6th ed rule that wasn't interpreted the same way between myself and another.

Specifically this is about refusing challenges and who can or cannot attack.

Going over the rules before providing examples then looking for peoples feedback.

40k6 pg 64, Refusing a Challenge: If you refuse, your opponent gets to nominate one of your characters from those that could have accepted.  The chosen model cannot strike blows all this turn, as he is thereafter putting all of his effort into staying clear of the vengeful enemy character.

40k6 pg 64, Heroic Stand: A unit that consists of only a single character cannot refuse a challenge.  He's go nowhere to hide.

I'll provide several examples of what came up tonight.  Won't say how I think each would happen.  If none of these make sense please feel free to suggest your interpretation.

To keep these examples simple I'm going to use the same units.  Challenger is a Daemon Prince.  Challenged is Orikan with and without a unit of 10 Necron Warriors and a Cryptek.

For the record Daemon Prince is Monstrous Creature Character.  Orikan is an Infantry (Character) Independent Character.  Necron Warriors are Infantry.  Cryptek is an Infantry Character.

Example 1:

Daemon Prince assaults Orikan who is with 10 Necron Warriors.

Daemon Prince challenges Orikan.  Orikan refuses.  Daemon Prince nominates one of your characters from those that could have accepted.  Daemon Prince nominates Orikan.  The chosen model cannot strike blows at all this turn.  Orikan is attacked by Daemon Prince.

Example 2:

Daemon Prince assaults Orikan who is with 10 Necron Warriors.

Daemon Prince challenges Orikan.  Orikan refuses.  Daemon Princes nominates one of your characters from those that could have accepted.  Daemon Prince nominates Necron Warrior.  The chosen model cannot strike blows at all this turn.  Necron Warrior is attacked by Daemon Prince.

Example 3:

Daemon Prince assaults Orikan who is with 10 Necron Warriors.

Daemon Prince challenges Orikan.  Orikan cannot refuse the challenge because he has to Heroic Stand.  Because the unit consists of only a single character.  He's got nowhere to hide.

Example 4:

Daemon Prince assaults Orikan who is with 10 Necron Warriors and 1 Cryptek.

Daemon Prince challenges Orikan.  Orikan refuses.  Daemon Prince nominates one of your characters from those that could have accepted.  Daemon Prince nominates Cryptek.  The chosen model cannot strike blows at all this turn.  Cryptek is attacked by Daemon Prince.

Example 5:

Daemon Prince assaults Orikan.

Daemon Prince challenges Orikan.  Orikan cannot refuse the challenge because he has to Heroic Stand.  Because the unit consists of only a single character.  He's got nowhere to hide.

Feel free to share your opinion of each example.  Also feel free to come up with your own.

slainte mhath


  1. I don't have a copy of the rule book with me, but here's my take on the situations

    Example 1:
    I see no contention here. The rules state that the nominated model cannot strike any blows. They do not say he cannot receive any. Although I think in order to attack the Orikan directly, the DP would have to roll a 6 to precision hit.

    Example 2:
    You must nominate a character that could have accepted. Thus, a warrior is not allowed to be nominated.

    Example 3:
    The Orikan does not have to accept the challenge because the unit consists of one character and 10 warriors, not a single character by himself.

    Example 4:
    I also see no problem here. Your wording seems confusing because the challenger does not challenge a specific model directly. He challenges the unit and the challengee picks which, if any, will accept. Since the challengee didn't accept, the DP gets to nominate either character.

    Example 5:
    The rules seem very clear on here; he must accept.

    That's my 2c, interested to know if anyone else sees it differently

  2. I agree with Nate on Example 1. IC's aren't separate units or anything, not like 5th.

    Also Agree with Nate on 2.

    And same on 3.

    4. The demon prince can use precision hits to attack the cyptek, but everyone else including orikan gets to kick demon butt.

    When fighting against these Monstrous creature characters, you really have to make sure your squads can handle them without your character's help if you don't think your character can kill them on their own. Having a few extra rerolls for your 10 guys standing around is rarely as good as the extra attacks, unless you have a guy with a good invul save and is great in close combat.

    I don't play necrons, so I don't know any specific tactics for you, but I have re-worked almost all of my wolf guard pack leaders to anticipate this sort of shenanigans.
