Sunday, September 30, 2012

12.9.29 1500 pts Dark Vengeance Tournament

Fantasy Flight held their first 6th ed tournament today.  Woke up at the God awful hour of 8:35am.  As a rule I never wake up earlier than noon on the weekends.  Those are my days off.  I wake up for a 8am job every week day.  I'll do what I want on the weekends.  Actually I usually sleep til about 1:30pm.  Be prepared for a long BatRep and blurry pics.  Enough with the fluff onto business.

Made myself some crib notes for the game.  Preferred Enemy note actually did help.  Rest remembered them as soon as I wrote them on the hand.

Possibly worst Necron unit to assault

First of all it costs 550pts.  I think it is worth every point.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

blog roll

If you'd like me to add your blog to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Feel free to post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Friday, September 28, 2012

Necron Night Scythes part 3 - Necron Glow part 2 a.k.a. stick of a fork in them they're done

Really glad I was able to finish these.  No no need to crunch in painting time tonight before or after game.  I can relax.

I like this scheme.  Kind of reminds me of insects.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Night Scythes part 2 - Necron Glow part 1

1500 DV Tournament is three days away.  Only have 6 more hours to get these to models done.  Shouldn't be a problem.  At least I hope so.  /crosses fingers

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Necron Night Scythes part 1

Thanks to Ebay and Spikey Bits I have the next part to my Necron army.  Will be funny to see the army slip back to the Spyder/Scarab fun I really enjoy.

Canoptek Wraiths part 10 done!

Finally done with these guys.  Took more time than I expected.  Abaddon Black over ballast, basing  material.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Canoptek Wraiths part 9

Would've finished these tonight if I wasn't seduced by the arms of Morpheus.  There will be 10 parts.  Great news is tomorrow they are done!  Then onto Night Scythes.  Or shall I say a mad scramble to get Night Scythes up and ready.

Scorpion Green glow done

Monday, September 24, 2012

Canoptek Wraiths part 8

I am getting really tired of the detail these wraiths are requiring.

Second layer of green.  1:1 Snot Green and Scorpion Green

Saturday, September 22, 2012

blog roll

If you'd like me to add your blog to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Feel free to post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Canoptek Wraiths part 7

Curious if I'll get to part 10 before completing them.  /wink

Finally done with the first layer of green.  Snot Green for the beginning of the energy glow.  The pace will speed up from here.  Remember this from my spyders.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Canoptek Wraiths part 6

Finally some good work on the wraiths.  Feeling really good about getting them done in time.

Tin Bitz on all armoured parts.

tin bitz done

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

**Update** Help, Natfka's site blocked

Thursday I refreshed a tab on my work PC to see Faeit 212 latest post and I received a message saying This website is blocked due to its current content categorization: "Games;Blogs/Personal Pages"


Here's an update on this post.  My work doesn't have their own internet security, as I figured, they outsource to another company.  Specifically Blue Coat.

Yes it was from my work computer.  No doubt someone who's visited Faeit 212 has some sort of access to Blue Coat online security and can allow anyone who uses a work computer to visit the site.

This isn't a self-serving request.  This is a request for the public.  Those who break up the monotony of their work day by visiting the site in a responsible way.  It doesn't disrupt our metrics.  We know better when to read the blog compared to goofing off.  If there is someone who visits this site and has some sort of control of Blue Coat security to take Faeit 212 off the restricted list you'll be helping dozens of people who know when it's prudent to visit his site.

Canoptek Wraiths Phasing part 5

It has been too long since I've been at my modelling table.  I truly miss it.

Arms to right and left side of the wraiths where they were phasing through the shrine walls.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

blog roll

If you have a blog and would like me to add it to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Feel free to post your link here and I'll add you within a day.

slainte mhath

Autumn Brew Review 2012

I'll be picking up beer, waiting for a bus or in line, drinking samples of beer for 4 hours or at a buddies place drinking more, eating and watching movies while you're reading this.

Please enjoy your Sat.

Can't show the whole ticket or someone will get my beer.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Taking the night off, I hope you're enjoying your evening as well.

Decided I would give myself a night off from painting/modelling after I'm done with Shawn's Eldar.  Gave Shawn's models back to him last Fri.  He asked where we were at money-wise.  He whinced.  I don't blame him.  He was planning on having me paint his Eldar Elites.  He decided he would do them himself.  Told him it made sense, it's cheaper.  He probably doesn't want the amount of cash hanging over is head or afraid it will affect our relationship.  I would never let it.  He doesn't know that.

Now that the commission is official done it's time for me to relax.  Spending this Tues evening like I did before Shawn's Eldar.  Watching a movie, probably two, and chilling out.  What's on the schedule?  Memento, bag of Jack Link's Sweet & Hot beef jerky, bag of Frozen Pepperoni slices, three different bottles of Fox Barrel unfiltered cider along with some Chinese food from House of Wong in Roseville.  While pondering my next commission job.  Deathwing Land Raider.

I've always loved dvd easter eggs.

40k 6th ed Lexicon v1.4

Lexicon Tuesday.  There's a great deal of information about 40k all over the web.  Many of it uses short hand to communicate a message.  I'm compiling a lexicon to help me decipher what it means.  Warseer uses a great system of links to know what it means.  I endeavour to copy their method in the future.  In the mean time I hope you learn as much as I do if not more.

Thought it would be a great idea of putting pics up of every 40k game book I have as the opening pic.  Have 68 books so shouldn't run out of cover pics for Lexicon posts soon.

Second edition Eldar Codex.  Second book I purchased.

Tasha, Suijin, Anons', Spyrle and Vargna have provided entries.  If you'd like to provide some make a comment.  Will update this post and put credit where its deserved.

slainte mhath

Monday, September 10, 2012

Shrine of the Aquila lost to Necrons, My first diorama

Finally this is the model I've been waiting for.  Had this idea after reading a post online.  Inspired by Ron at FTW, along with a piece of terrain at Fantasy Flight and my painting score at Fantasy Flights pre-Adepticon tournament.  I'll provide a pic of the painting score below.

Those of you who have looked at my Canoptek Wraiths posts may have noticed I have been alluding to something.  Well here it is.  Enjoy.  I hope this inspires others to do something better.

Thank you, Shawn.  Picked me up Crowe and Shrine of the Aquila.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Commission Painting, what I've learned

What a great ride my first commission painting was.  It filled me with a sense of purpose.  Actually makes me feel like I'm doing something.  I look forward to doing more commission work.  Especially look forward to the time when someone wants to hire me to paint something outside of 40k.  That will be a fun day.

Allow me to wax on a few things that have come to me during this time.  Hopefully you find it an enjoyable read.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

blog roll

If you have a blog and would like me to add it to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Feel free to post your link here and I'll add you within a day.

slainte mhath

Dark Harlistar & Harlistar lists

Here are a couple of rough 1500 army lists for Harlequin-centric armies.

Pic from leaflet of Marillion Album Script for a Jester's Tear.  Great album

Friday, September 7, 2012

Harlistar 2+ cover save outside of terrain

Looking through the new FAQ's is making very happy with some things, not with others.  I'm astounded with Harlequins.

Great album.  Give it a listen.

I have a lot of Harleqiuns from 2nd ed.  Picked up two boxes of the new models when they were released a couple of years ago.  Also picked up the new special Harlequins.  They are Way down on the "to paint list."

Canoptek Wraiths part 4

Damn this detail in basecoating is kind of a pain.  Thank goodness I was able to get all six basecoated.  Seemed to go quicker as soon I figured out a system for painting all those little parts.  I'm glad I only half the of the little parts to paint.  Plan to keep it that way for the next part.  We all know what happens when plan encounters action.

These girls are looking beautiful.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

H2Lat40K reached 10,000 hits!

How to Lose at 40k reached 10,000 page views.  Thank you!  Obviously blogspot and revolver maps tracks hits differently.  Not quite sure what is up with that.  I'm with blogspot hits.

Canoptek Wraiths part 3

Now that they are put together they are not nearly as demanding.  Still need some love.

Undercoated wraiths with Jon Kovalic's Armoury Black Primer.  It is a great flat black that doesn't interfere with any other paints.

Eldar Wraithguard

Shawn sent me an email asking if I could put his Craftworld symbol on the heads or loin clothes of his Wraithguard.  Told him because they were already matted it might be difficult but can try.

After painting I matted just the front of them again.

He wanted me to give them some variety.  Mixed up the orientation of his Craftworlds symbol.  Turned out pretty good.

slainte mhath

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Canoptek Wraiths part 2

Ok, first of all whoever called these Canoptek Wraiths was clearly pulling a joke on us.  I prefer to call them Pain in the Ass.

Probably the coolest part of the model to assemble.  The rest No.

Asurman's Banner a.k.a. How to put banners on models

When picking up Shawn's Eldar a couple of months ago I told him I have the Eldar codex that has Asurman's Banner and that I could put that on for him if he wants.  He said "That'd be cool."

Used without permission

Warning: This is a easy "how to" hopefully this helps someone.

Canoptek Spyders part 4 [Update]

Finally was able to finish these sexy girls.  Was surprised how quickly it went.  Thought it take two sittings to finish them.  Turned out the detail part of painting was the easiest.

Boltgun Metal drybrush highlight on edges of metal.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

40k 6th ed Lexicon v1.3

Lexicon Tuesday.  There's great deal of information about 40k all over the web.  Many of it uses short hand to communicate a message.  I'm compiling a lexicon to help me decipher what they mean.  Warseer is great that it has the terms linked to what they can mean.  I endeavour to copy their method in the future.  In the mean time I hope you learn as much as I do if not more.

First 40k book I purchased back in 91

Tasha, Suijin, Anons, Spyrle and Vargna have provided entries.  If you'd like to provide some make a comment.  Will update this post and put credit where its deserved.

slainte mhath

Monday, September 3, 2012

Canoptek Wraiths part 1

Don't have any of Shawn's Eldar to paint.  Finished Orikan.  Finally completed the spyders after a long hiatus.  Onto the next part of my Necron army.  Wraiths.

Had these two boxes for about 2 months now.  They've been begging for attention.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Orikan the Diviner, my Necron Warlord part 4

Abaddon Black for ballast and base.  Amethyst Purple drybrushed over ballast.

Orikan the Diviner, my Necron Warlord part 3

Put about 6.5hrs into him today and didn't finish him.  So close though.  Just paint base material and base to black then drybrush Amethyst Purple over base material.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

40k6 Mini-rulebook

Like my 5th ed mini-rulebook wanted to get 6th ed also spiral bound.



Fedex Kinko's bound the book for 6$. 

slainte mhath

Blog roll

If you have a blog and would like me to add you to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Feel free to post your link here and I'll add you within a day.

Orikan the Diviner, my Necron Warlord part 2

Only had about 30 mins to work on Orikan Thursday night.  I'll take whatever time I can get.

Chest is painted Liche Purple.  All of my special characters have to have purple on them.

The #1 reason you should buy the 6th ed starter box Dark Vengeance Limited Edition

Possibly the longest title I will ever use when making a post.

Seriously I'd like to share with you what I believe is the number one reason why you should buy 6th ed limited edition starter boxset.