Friday, September 28, 2012

Necron Night Scythes part 3 - Necron Glow part 2 a.k.a. stick of a fork in them they're done

Really glad I was able to finish these.  No no need to crunch in painting time tonight before or after game.  I can relax.

I like this scheme.  Kind of reminds me of insects.

Ratio Skull White to Scorpion Green is 4:1.  Which is odd because if proportions are correct it looks like Bleached Bone.  Which for one of my spyders I used Bleached Bone after getting rid of mix.

Obviously these pics are out of order.  Put the twins with highlight as the starting pic.

Learned an important lesson about wet pallet.  You can have too much water.

Not too much, not too little, just right.  Kind of like Goldilocks.

Second highlight inside first highlight.

Drybrush Scorpion Green over runes.

close up of wing

Scorpion Green detailed glow

Goblin Green for lens on sensor array.

Burnished Gold on left, others light touch of Ice Blue.

Layered watered down Flash Gitz Yellow on orb over Goblin Green.  Golden Yellow for other controls.  Should add some yellow on pilot from the glowing orb.

Chainmail for console.

Invasion Beamer lens based Jon Kovalic's Armoury Black Primer.

Boltgun Metal drybrushed on support of Invasion Beamer lens.  Brassy Brass on icon markers.

Necron Icons Chainmail bulbs Scorpion Green.

Watered down Camo Green.  Dip brush in paint then in water (sloppy way to thin paints).  Did this twice to cover the entire lens.

Watered down Scorpion Green.  Same tech.  Dip brush in paint then in water.  Again twice to cover lens.

Watered down Flash Gitz Yellow.  Dip brush in yellow then in water three times.  Once over lens.

Yellow wasn't strong enough.  Hit it again.  Same tech.  Watered down Flash Gitz Yellow.  Dip brush in yellow then in water three times.  Once over lens.

Tesla Destructor based Dark Angels Green.

Drybrush second stage Dark Angels Green (5:1 Dark Angels Green to Bad Moon Yellow now Flash Gitz Yellow).

Different view of second layer of green.

Drybrush third stage Dark Angels Green (3:2 Dark Angels Green to Bad Moon Yellow).

Different view.

Skull White on face armour, Liche Purple on sternum, Burnished Gold on Necron icon, Scorpion Green on eyes, Abaddon Black on power cords under rib cage.

Done!  At least tournament ready if no one looks at the bottom.  Considering that, why did I bother painting the Invasion Beamer?

How to Paint Night Scythes

slainte mhath

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