Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ebay Deathwing Land Raider part 12

Started sponsons last night.  Wasn't til I started them I realised how far I was along on this model.  I'm extremely hopeful I will meet the Oct 31st, now Oct 30th, deadline to complete this model.

Assembled and undercoated GW White Primer.

Painted for about 4 hours.

Buddy Shawn said he would bring his camera down and take pictures to put on Ebay.  He has one of those expensive fancy cameras used to take pictures of sport events and the like.  We would meet at Fantasy Flight and use one of their tables and take pics of the model.  This is a great idea.  Instead of using my LG Spectrum smart phone camera.  Which I think does a great job.  I can't pass up a genuine camera with true focus on a gaming table.  If this happens it will have to be the 30th.  Which leaves me 12 nights to finish this lady.  I truly believe the hardest part is yet to come.  Frankly I terribly afraid of it.  I've never done something like this on a model and am only hoping the brush and paint are with me.  Should start it this weekend and hopefully finish it by Wed of next week.  Like the meme "If it wasn't for the last minute nothing would get done."  I hope Sat is extremely fruitful.  By "extremely fruitful" I mean painting for at least 9 hours straight.

Missed a pic.  Basecoat Bleached Bone, Balor Brown.  Drybrushed Bleached Bone, Ubshabti Bone.

Drybrushed Army Painter Matt White over Ubshabti Bone.

Twin-linked Lascannons Matt Black.  Twin-linked Heavy Bolter Boltgun Metal.

slainte mahth

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