Monday, October 8, 2012

Ebay Deathwing Land Raider part 5

Nice amount of work completed yesterday.
Tracks and doors.

Put in 6 hrs.

Top of hull

Right and left side of hull.  Glued the Lascannon sponsons mountings on.  Figured best glue them now then after undercoating.

Apparently forgot the towing equipment when assembling it.

Also forgot the sensor in upper left hand corner.

Base coated Shadow Grey and Abaddon Black.  The black is really beginning to bother me.  Its too shiny.  Bought Army Painter Mat Black for the mural.

Shield icon based Dark Angels Green.

Lightning bolt Blood Red.

Skull Brassy Brass.  Equipment watered down Boltgun Metal.  Actually turning out to really like how it looks.

Sat night I realised I ran out of Badab Black.  Ron's blog from the warp has a post talking about GW's replacement for washes and that they don't match up.  Picked up some Dark Tone and Strong Tone last night.  Badab Black and Devlan Mud respectively.  Thanks, Ron.

"Badab Black" actually Army Painter Dark Tone.  Thanks, Ron!

Second layer of Shadow Grey.  Much better.  Than inside console.  Figured I'd place down a second layer on the frame because it will receive more visibility than inside console.  Considering painting inside console again to make it more even.

A lot of detail here.  Drybrush Chainmail on equipment.  1:1 Shadow Grey and Space Wolves Grey for highlight for frame.  Blazing Orange for lightning bolt.  3:5 Bad Moon Yellow and Dark Angels Green for shield.  Brassy Brass for skull.

Lens Regal Blue with Ice Blue highlights.  Metal loop Chainmail with "Badab Black" Army Painter Dark Tone.

Undercoated Citadel White Primer.  Kind of digging the ghost white/grey.

Undercoated Jon Kovalic's Armour Black Primer.

Looks awesome just this way.  Kind of a shame that its going to receive Snake Bite Leather and Bleached bone soon.  Its too bare.  It would be picked out as just being primed.  Which is unfortunate.

Started painting banner on front.  Then figured out its going to get covered from the basecoat and drybrush, would be redoing it anyway.

Wasn't sure if I should glue on the Storm Bolter.  Decided after seeing it doesn't really spin because of the top hull to glue it in place.

How to Paint Deathwing Land Raider

slainte mhath

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