Tuesday, November 27, 2012

6th ed Rules of the Game: Enfeeble and Preferred Enemy [Update 12.11.27]

Picked up a couple of things during the Fires of Battle Grand Tournament several weeks ago.

Enfeeble 40k6 mini rulebook pg 143, Biomancy Psychic Power

Enfeeble is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit withint 24".  Whilst the power is in effect, the target unit suffers a -1 penalty to both Strength and Toughness, and treats all terrain (eve open ground) as difficult terrain.

Context: During game 1.  Tervigon's cast Enfeeble on Scarabs twice.  This would decrease their Strength and Toughness to 1.  I was curious if this is stackable.  It doesn't specifically say it is.  Compared to other powers.  Example: Psychic Communion 5th ed Grey Knights pg 23.  This power is cumulative with other bonuses/penalties, including other uses of Psychic Communion.

Any feedback regarding Enfeeble affecting a squad twice?

[Update (Thanks, Tyson)]

40k6 pg 68 Malediction

"Note that bonuses and penalties from different maledictions are always cumulative, but cannot, unless otherwise stated, take characteristics above 10 or below 1."

Preferred Enemy 40k6 pg 40

A unit containing at least one model with this special rule re-rolls failed To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1 if attacking its Preferred Enemy.

Context: Something I've remembered that it isn't just re-rolls to hit like in 5th.  It affects 1's on To Hit and To Wound rolls.

slainte mhath


  1. Keeping in mind that one model cannot cast the same power twice, (just not sure if you meant 2 tervigons cast it on one unit). Hammerhand in the Grey Knight codex also stacks with multiple casts on one unit. As well as using Might of Titan the bonuses are all cumulative up to their min/max. So I would say multiple casts of Enfeeble should follow the same precedent.

    1. It was two Tervigons casting Enfeeble. Hammerhand specifically states they cumulative. Enfeeble does not specific state so.

      Ah, found it should've done some reading before posting.

      40k6 pg 68 Malediction

      "Not that bonuses and penalties from different maledictions are always cumulative, but cannot, unless otherwise stated, take characteristics above 10 or below 1."

      Updating post.

  2. Would love to see a Dreadknight get hit by multiple Enfeebles.
