Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tattoo-pa-looza 2012

It's time for my annual tattoo-fest.  Around this time of year I have quite of bit of extra scratch.

Gary.  Grew up with him.  He's the only man I let penetrate me.

I'll spend about 7 hours in the chair.  Land there at 1pm and leave at 8pm.  Give Gary about 400$ with tip and enjoy the rest of the evening with some Aquaphor on the fresh ink with a drink and relaxing at home.  Probably work on my Grey Knights-prep or Shawn's Eldar instead of staring at the tube.  Then again it has been awhile since I've seen The Dark Knight.

Ink from last year.

Plan on getting the Deathwing broken-sword wings on my back somewhere.  Also plan on getting an Inquisition "I" on the back of the my left arm.  I have a stack of ideas ready to be put into my skin forever.  Just a matter of going through them.  Should make a good dent in the stack tomorrow.

If you have some 40k ink feel free to post a link to photobucket or wherever so I can check it out.

In the mean time take care of each and tell someone that they mean a lot to you today.  Spread that joy.  No need to keep it bottled up.

slainte mhath

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