Sunday, December 16, 2012

Grey Knight bases completed

Power went out at my place last evening.  Just as I was going to put my undercoated Grey Knights on their bases.  Grabbed the fewest things I needed to base them and headed to Fantasy Flight.  It felt great to get out of the apartment.

Notice something wrong with this Knight of the Flame?

Organizing models with their bases.

Everything has been arranged time to start gluing Grey Knights to their respective bases.  Before I started gluing these together this young gamer, maybe 13, sat down to paint his Eldar.  He grabbed one cup for water.  Had him grab two more cups where he would rinse his brushes.  One rinse in each cup.  He said he only had one brush.  It was a fine detail brush.  Frankly that can't stand.  Went up the counter and purchased a Citadel standard brush and gave it to him.  He said thanks.  Told his brother that I bought them a brush.  Put my iPod earbud back in went to work.  Didn't say another word to the lad.  He and his brother were extremely interested in getting painting tips from all the gamers there.  Carl, guy working at FF, said it was a nice thing I did.

Done.  Made a mistake with one squad.  Arguing with myself about correcting it.

Here are 5 that are situated on the base wrong.  This squad is supposed to have the plate at the back of the base.  If you face them forward the plate is on the right.

Other half of the squad same problem.

Can see here where the plate is on the right instead of on the back.

All thirty done.

With correct Crowe.  By correct I mean his base is orientation is correct.  Ripped the first one off and scrapped it.  Had another I could use.  Will be making more of these bases for other models I have.

Time for Psyflemen.

They look good!

Now my army is looking appropriate.  Not having them on bases really bothered me.

Will start painting them tomorrow.  Have exactly 3 months to completely paint these guys.

slainte mhath


  1. The first picture, his bottom of his feet, is that's what is wrong?

    1. He's missing is left hand. Feet has dried superglue on them. Pulled him off his base so he can be base coated without messing up my bases.
