Monday, December 17, 2012

How to Revive Your Paint Pot

I usually pull paint directly from the pot.  When I need to water it down for a job do so then.  I'd say about 90% of my painting is directly from the pot.  I have an idea about pots and thinning but haven't tried it yet.

While accenting Purifiers my Storm Blue (from more than a decide ago) wasn't looking good.  Since I made another 40$ purchase for an airbrush, I have yet to use, figured I'd use one of the things I bought for it now.  Turned our really well.

Instead of being a savage like before where I would turn the faucet on and apply drops of water from it.  Decided to pull a societal-snob-move and use my "advanced eye droppers."  Picked these up at Blick for about 3.50$.  Probably could've purchased 5x as much off amazon for the same price.  Will look into that soon.

Eye drop primed with water.

Added two drops of water.

Looking much better.  Now to mix the paint and water together.

Even in death a paint brushes job isn't done.  Don't know why but I really like that line regarding paint brushes.

Mixed and ready for accenting.

Turns out my Enchanted Blue was having similar issue.  As you can see the paint is sticking to the top of the pots lid instead of resting on the lip.

Now that is how paint is supposed to look.  Could probably hit with one more drop of water to get the viscosity I'm looking for.

Quick tip I've learned regarding adding water to your paint pot.  If you have over half a pot left add 10 drops.  Less than half 5 drops.  Getting down to bare bones like the Storm Blue 2 drops.  Though you'll probably have to go on feel since not all paint takes water the same way.

slainte mhath

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