Friday, December 21, 2012

Model Holder

I've been reluctant to try this.  Ron at From the Warp and several other painters use a similar method.  Instead of holding the model/base with risk of touching wet paint or rubbing paint off they affix the model to a handle of sorts.

Buddy of mine David has wooden doles with pins that he puts in the feet of models.  That would be handy when painting up underneath the model.  I hope to make my own set someday.

Have to say now that I have tried this.  I love it.  It provides me a more secure hold of the model.  Also lets me move the model in positions that are easier to paint rather then twisted fingers gripping just the base in a weird manner.

Poster tac.  Blick for about 3$

Healthy chunk kneaded up and ready for placement.  I'm not a pill guy so I asked a couple of buddies to see if they had pill bottles.  Turns out work buddy Dylan tossed the massive collection the other day.  He plans on getting me a larger pill container.

Here you can see the impetus for me to give this a try.  Noticed that the Burnished Gold was wearing away at the top of the sun's ray.

Can also see where black from the robe was also removed due to handling.

Poster tac flavoured ice cream cone anyone?

Surprised how secure poster tac holds the model.

Was a little worried about the light weight of the pill bottle with a model ontop of it.  Perhaps it might be top heavy and tip over.  Grabbed some rocks from a former bosnai and feels more secure, less likely to tip over.

Feels much better handling a model this way.  Now to buy photoshop, and laptop that can handle it, so I can put a backdrop to cancel the noise for Lane's eyes.

If you're having the same issue of paint being rubbed off due to excess touching of the model while painting give this a try or the wooden doles mentioned earlier.

slainte mhath


  1. Also there is a free version called GIMP for photo editing if you don't have lare stacks of cash for Photoshop.

    I have it on my laptop if you want to check it out trying to do something.

    1. Yeah. I'd like to check it out. Can you bring your laptop tonight, please. I'll bring some images for you to show me how it's done.
