Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grey Knights Psyflemen part 3

Finally painting these guys.  So excited.  I think they will go by fast.

First problem I saw airbrushing them.  Messing up my awesome base.  Lucky me they weren't really glued to their base.  After 11 Purifiers coming free from their base I was very surprised these could be removed so easily.

Basecoat Army Painter Colour Primer Uniform Grey.

First basecoat airbrushed Dark Grey Knights Grey 60:40 Adeptus Battlegrey/Space Wolves Grey.

Left second basecoat airbrushed Light Grey Knights Grey 60:40 Space Wolves Grey/Adeptus Battlegrey.

Second basecoat was too light for me.  Airbrushed same basecoat a second time.

Was having an issue with the grey shade being so subtle that it wouldn't seen easily.  45 degree angle airbrushed Abaddon Black.  This worked nicely.

Also wanted to lighten the top.  45 degree angle airbrushed Vallejo Model Air White.  Think it works well.  Since Dreadnoughts designs are pulled from STCs figured I would use my Deathwing Dreadnought as a template to know what to paint to keep them someone uniform.  Airbrushing for painting is so quick.  Looking forward to becoming more familiar so only the really small details will need a brush.

Middle has Leadbelcher, Boltgun Metal, on machine parts.  Started right but 1am appeared.  Time to stop painting and prepare to wake up for that 8am rent paying gig.

Better view of the Leadbelcher.

Had the chance to hang out with Shawn last night.  Talked 40k, painting, airbrushing, life, "the master," etc.  Had a fun time.  He handed me more Eldar to paint.  Asked if I could get the Wraithguard done by the CON of the North Tournament 17th of Feb.  Told him wouldn't be a problem.  He also handed me a Forgeworld Avatar to paint.  That should be damn fun.

slainte mhath

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