Sunday, January 20, 2013

Grey Knights Purifiers part 19 Finally done with grey!

Damn it feels good to be done with painting the armour.  It was a huge mistake.  I'll say rookie mistake painting armour last.  Never again.  No one's more excited that I that these guys are greyed.  Now to do one last touch before putting them aside of the next part of my Grey Knights army.

Painted two last night after getting home from games then beer and BS at Olde Chicago.

This is what I did for the grey colour to hopefully be so uniform.  Grabbed my wet pallet.  Dampened it.  Space Wolves Grey and Army Painter Uniform Grey 100% match paints.  Reason why Army Painter Uniform Grey has the 100% match is because it matches the colour of their Primer Colour Uniform Grey spray can paint.  Which is just a smart idea.

Four pulls of Space Wolves Grey with a medium sized drybrush and a wipe to use the excess from the brush.  Then five drops of Uniform Grey.  Mix til colour is uniform.  Get it?

Twenty of thirty done.

Twenty-five of thirty done.  Will be cutting it close to end by my midnight beer, pizza, movie tradition.

Thirty of thirty done.

slainte mhath

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