Friday, January 11, 2013

How to Paint Purity Seals

Wanted to put some genuine effort into the Grey Knights Purity Seals.  Noir Engel purity seals are less than.

Just like painting relief.  Paint purity seals so they are pleasing to you.

Parchment Ubshabti Bone.

Seal Scab Red.

Time to cheat again.

Quick squiggly lines and the armour has been blessed to continue its fight against Chaos.

Gryphonne Sepia wash on parchment.

Leviathan Purple wash over seal to give it depth.

 slainte mhath


  1. Hehe I like the "Quick squiggly lines and the armour has been blessed to continue it's fight against Chaos" So how does the wax seal stay on agenst the; fire, gun fire, planet fall, bad breath of orks.....?? -LT

    1. I've often wondered the same. I'll go with Sarah Silverman but with a twist. "The Emperor is Magic!"
