Sunday, February 10, 2013

Grey Knights Psyflemen Complete [Update 13.2.9]

[Update13.2.3] Completely forgot one last part. doh!
[Update 13.2.9] Added effects around exhaust.

These guys went fast.  Not sure if the airbrushed helped or it was how few I had to paint.

Vallejo Brassy Brass on frame of right leg and relief on left.

Only four more models and done!  Damned excited.  Promised Shawn the first battle.  After all he did buy me the army.

Army Painter Dark Tone, Devlin Mudd, over Brassy Brass.  Yes, ammunition being in backwards is in this year.

Chainmail for base of relief.

Chainmail and Auric Gold, Burnished Gold, for detail.

Gryphonne Sepia for wash.

Little message from Dove while modelling.


Parchment painted same as Purity Seals.  Army Painter Mat Black for half of Omnissiah.

Army Painter Mat White for other half.

Evil Sunz Red, Blood Red, for key parts of Psyflemen.  Auric Gold, Burnished Gold, for book and Gryphonne Sepia wash over gold.

Ice Blue for Psyammunition.  This ammunition is special.  Its backwards.

Leviathan Purple wash for psyammunition.

Liche Purple for swords.

Eye of dreadnought Ice Blue with highlights of Army Painter Mat White.

Leviathan Purple wash for eye.

Wasn't til I was admiring that these were finished that I saw the clamps that hold the sarcophagus in place weren't painted.  Evil Sunz Red, Blood Red, for clamps.

[Update 13.2.9]

Was working with my airbrush tonight and remembered the exhaust residue on Razorbacks.  Decided to do the same effect for my Psyflemen.  Damn was that fun.  I Love my airbrush.

slainte mhath

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