Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Grey Knights Rhinos part 5

These guys are requiring a little more work than I anticipated.  Seems more than the Psyflemen.  Though I may be closer to the end than I think.

Leadbelcher, Boltgun Metal, on all metal bits.

Inquisitor "I" Vallejo Brassy Brass.
Wings and centre of I Auric Armour Gold, Burnished Gold.

Armour plate and window frame Ironbreaker, Chainmail.

Vallejo Brassy Brass

Auric Armour Gold, Burnished Gold.

Vallejo Brassy Brass

Auric Armour Gold

Ironbreaker for first part of the "I's" base.

slainte mhath


  1. I really like the combination of Auric & burnished gold.Very nice look.

    1. Thanks! Was a bit worried how they would turn out together.
