Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Odd jobs

Seems my painting business stuff has caught the eye of a guy at work.  Sometime ago he asked what Dark Angels Codex was.  Told him about it.  Showed him some pics and the painted Nightbringer on my desk.  Can see it in the pic below in the top right corner.  Last week he asked if I would be interested in painting something for him, he asked what it would cost.  Thought it was a little thing.  Maybe as tall as a tank from what he mentioned.  Nope some knick-knack his wife picked up.  Said he wanted it khaki coloured.  Was thinking either Dheneb Stone or Ushabti Bone.

Wife's knick-knack.

Picked up Ushabti Bone and a boston bottle to airbrush the job.  So looking forward to airbrushing Deathwing from the Dark Vengeance boxset.  Figure the cost of citadel paint and boston bottle is a better deal than Vallejo Model Air paint.  You only buy the bottle once.  Then fill it up with same paint when you're out.

This bin at work is the colour he wants it painted.


I thought that yellow was harsh before painting.  Now it screams at me.  Difference between the colours is like night and day.

Finished it with a coat of Armour Primer Mat Sealer.  Don't want the airbrush paint coming off due to handling.
Gave it back to him today and he asked how much.  Had no idea.  Told him took me two songs to airbrush it and bought paint for it.  He gave me 7$

slainte mhath

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