Friday, March 22, 2013

#Ingress - I have an activation code for one of you

If you want to get into the best game you've never heard about here's your chance to get into the beta invite only Ingress.

I have an Ingress code.  If you'd like the chance to get into the beta of Ingress make a comment including a pic of Ingress inspired art.  Include your email address.

For those not in the know check out Ingress.

Don't know what to create?  Check out Ingress art page.

You need to have Google + and an Android phone to play.  Ingress is an invite only beta MMO played in the real world.  To get an activation code you can create art and put it up on Ingress art page, request a code via email or petition someone who has a code.

How do you get a code from me?  Make a comment with a work of Ingress inspired art and your email address. Comments will be reviewed Sun 24th March 8pm CST.  The one that speaks to me the most will receive an email with the code.

best luck

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