Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight and Crimson Hunter are up for auction

What a damned fun ride.  Not nearly as stressful as I thought.  Thanks to the generosity and understanding of people in my life.

JJ typing, I would like to take a moment and thank the many people who allowed me to do this and supported me along the way.

Thank you, my brother Donnie for allowing me to skip drinkfest Wed.  That day was crucial in ensuring I met my deadline.  Thanks, gaming group, for not being sure to game or not.  Friday was also crucial in making sure I met the deadline.  Thanks, Xepher, Spellduckwrong, Mordian7th, Evan S, Zab, eldaraddict, Sean, Henry, agemmanjw and all the viewers! Also, my Love for being extremely supportive of my hobby and soon to be profession.  As of last night at 11:30pm Wraithknight and Crimson Hunter together have had 1843 views since first posting them a week ago.

Wraithknight ebay page

Crimson Hunter ebay page

slainte mhath


  1. They turned out fantastically. Good luck getting them sold for more than worth your while!

    1. Thanks, Evan S. I'll find out in a couple of days.

  2. These are just fantastic. I have to say that I stumbled upon both of these when I was looking for color scheme ideas for my own wraithguard/lord/knight and they just blew me away. Needless to say, they also gave me ideas for color schemes as well. I wish you the best of luck in selling these two for what their worth and by that I mean at least maybe 3 to 4x the base cost of the models themselves.

    1. Glad these inspired you, Peter. If you paint some up I'd be really interested in seeing how they turned out.

    2. I'll see if I can though I can be a notoriously slow painter at times. If you don't mind me asking, what size magnets did you use to secure the arms?

    3. Used 1/16" disc magnets. Actually have a "how to" regarding the arms schedule for posting.

  3. idea that just occurred to me...I wonder if you could get something like this into the art show at CON. Might be a nice way to get your work seen by local folks with similar interests. Just tossing it out as something to consider and maybe research further. Love from Edinburgh.

    1. That is actually something CON goers have brought up before. Specifically to paint up some models for Art Show. Was brought up shortly after CON last year. Have an idea of what I want to do. Never purchased the models.

  4. these turned out lovely! how often do your bids get sold? im just starting commission painting myself.

    1. This the second and third time I've ever done this. First time was terribly sucessful.

      First time I charged only the cost of the model. This is it's not the same. I'll find out in a couple of days.

    2. well good luck with it mate! i might put my death korps up there for model price see how they get on.

    3. That was my idea. Put it up for cost of the Deathwing Land Raider and see where the market thought my skill was. Ebay isn't an accurate place to determine such worth. Felt it was a good place to start.

    4. looks like you have a bid on your crimson hunter! *tugs brim of hat*

    5. Nice. Thanks, Henry. Haven't check the ebay auctions today. Figured I'd check them out later in the day. Had my own bet that Crimson Hunter would go before Wraithknight.

  5. Very cool man.. always nice to see someone working on the same models and seeing their take on it! I'm really liking the flare effects on them, a very cool addition to it that adds some sweet detail. Awesome work.

    1. Thanks, Todd. The flaring stars turned out much better than expected. First star effect wasn't working. Glad they didn't these are well received.
