Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Your support is amazing!

Quick post expressing appreciation to you, H2Lat40K viewers.

I'm besides myself how supportive you all have been.  You're awesome!

This ride for the Crimson Hunter and Wraithknight has been very exciting.  Even more so than Ebay Deathwing Land Raider.  This has been extremely fun.  What a great time.  WOW!

Thank you for the praise, support and overall positive atmosphere every one of you brings to this blog.

Because of this heart felt moment, in lieu of my normal closing I'll end this post with

/hugs all of you


  1. Man, you give to the community and we appreciate it. Always nice to see a fellow hobbyist in his quest to greatness.

  2. I've really been enjoying your posts, man - inspiring stuff! Keep up the great work!

  3. just seen your ebay sales! congrats mate! and thank you for featuring my little fourgotowar site! hits galore!

    1. Thanks, still new to ebay. Took awhile to print the label. Will mail the box today. You're welcome, glad to have part of the blogroll. Great to hear your blog is getting more hits.

  4. Yep, we are pretty great.
