Tuesday, August 27, 2013

SGP Sales Eldar Wave Serpent Waltz part 3

Only had a little bit of time at the table last night.  Little bit is better than none.

Auric Armour Gold for controls on side of door.

JJ painting, plan to charge 180-220$ on my commission site for these three.

Left washed with Gryphonne Sepia for controls and Army Painter Dark Tone for circles.  Right unwashed.

Light, camera and big arrow based Evil Sunz Scarlet.  They are also highlighted Blazing Orange.  Big arrow highlighted Flash Gitz Yellow.  Little arrow based Goblin Green, highlighted Scorpion Green.

Treads drybrushed Ironbreaker.  Seats based Vermin Brown washed Gryphonne Sepia.

Big round of applause for Zab.  Didn't even think of OSL, object source lighting, for the transport area.  Airbrush Reaper Surf Aqua for areas where light would emanating from.

Perhaps add a little white at the top of the OSL to sell the cool colours further.

The count down to end of the Giveaway.  Eight Days left.  Link: Silver Gargoyle Productions Free Painted Model Giveaway.

slainte mhath


  1. The OSL looks good, perhaps try popping the top on first to see how much extra light you'll need in there. You might need more than you think

    1. Was thinking the exact same thing. Should've put the top on then taken a pic. Will most likely end up adding a little white.

  2. The OSL looks great. I don't have the guts to try something like that yet.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, 17yearoldhobbyist.

    2. no problem, if you try something like that, you deserve a compliment

  3. Looking great, man! Love the OSL on the transport compartment, that really turned out great.

    Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks, Mordian7th. This project has been rather slow going because I can't find my template for Alaitoc pattern. Really need to go through the shelves of models to find it. Grrr, quite upsetting.

  4. I'll echo everyone - the OSL looks sharp. I am curious to see how it will look with the top on it though to see if it might need to go lighter.

    1. Thanks, Evan. Yeah, since Spyrle mentioned it I've also been curious.

  5. Looking good. Nice clean pj on the bone parts. Must be a pain in the butt ;)

    1. Thanks, Zab. It is a pain. Made mistakes in some parts will have to go back and redo the parts with bone. grrrrr
