Monday, September 2, 2013

SGP Sales Eldar Wave Serpent Waltz part 4, Last Chance to Win a Free High Quality Painted Model

Feedback requested.  Damn mottled blue was harder than expected.  About six hours remains to make a comment for a high-quality painted model.

JJ painting, today was a roller coaster of emotions.  Damned fun roller coaster.  Brought tears of joy to my eyes several times.  Merry Labour Day, 40k'ers.

Last chance to sign up for a free painted model.  Visit Link: Silver Gargoyle Productions Free Painted Model Giveaway.

Genuinely need help.  Should the panels be black with extreme highlights or remain Flash Gitz Yellow?  I honestly don't know which way to go.

Mordian 7th, please tell me you had a problem with mottled blue.

I hate airbrushes.  Swear the amount of time it took me to blue-tape three hulls could've been done with the job with a brush.

I need to practice my airbrushing more.  Or liberally apply blue-tape.

Seriously not a fan of airbrushes.  Really I'm blaming the tool for my lack of knowledge and skill.

Honestly what would be better, black or yellow panels with hightights?

 Oh, GW lies.  That will be covered in a future post.

Thanks to my Love for bringing to my attention that someone is interested in having me paint some models.  Today has been nothing but up and up and up.  Not a single down moment.  Well the only down moment was easily eclipsed by the severity of the ups.  Will find out in a week or so if it happens.  In the mean time may the Lords of Kobol or the One True God hear my prayers.

slainte mhath


  1. What did you use to get the mottled effect on the blue?

    1. Actually have a post going into huge detail about that on the way. Short answer size 2 fitch brush.

    2. I would personally have used a sponge, but get, results are results!

    3. Hold on, I just re-read that. What the hell is a fitch brush?

    4. Missed you comment from earlier. Sponge wouldn't have been that bad of an idea. Will give it a go on something.

      Its a specific type of brush. Round, Fitch, Sable. Specifically brush was size 2 Scholastic Blick Fitch brush.

  2. Yellow looks better than the black and helps break up the blue and give the Serpents some shape too. For the masking: Apply your tape and then cover any areas surrounding them with silly putty. It's reusable fast and silly ;)

    1. hehe. Thought about silly putty. Haven't broken down to using it yet. Thanks for the feedback.

  3. I found a nice dark wash helped blend the mottled blues in together then I would go back with my enchanted blue for the final dots.

    1. That's something I've seen others do. I'll test it on a panel to see how it looks.
