Thursday, October 17, 2013

6th ed Rules of the Game: Consolidating Terminators, Gets Hot Without To Hit Roll and Can't Hurt Vehicles

Here are more rules from last Sat game.

JJ typing,

Consolidating Terminators, Terminator Armour 6th ed Dark Angels Codex pg 65

Terminator armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and 5+ invulnerable save.  Furthermore, models in Terminator armour have the Bulky, Deep Strike and Relentless special rules, and may not make Sweeping Advances.

Context: Kept saying I wish you can consolidate after wrecking a vehicle.  A Deathwing Terminator was lunching Leman Russes.  Opponent mentioned that Terminators can't consolidate.  Mentioned Terminators can't do Sweeping Advances.  His son said unable to consolidate wasn't mentioned under the description of Terminator armour.

Gets Hot, Gets Hot and Weapons that Do Not Roll To Hit, 40k6 pg 37.

Weapons that do not roll To Hit (such as Blast weapons) must roll a D6 for each shot immediately before firing.  On a 2+, the shot is resolved as normal.  For each roll of a 1, the weapon Gets Hot, the firing model suffers a would (armour saves and invulnerable saves can be taken) and that shot is not fired.  A vehicle instead suffers a glancing hit on a further roll of a 1, 2 or 3, each time the weapon Gets Hot.

Context: Opponent's son said that for vehicles that shoot plasma have to roll a one to see if Gets Hot occurs.  Opponent said vehicles don't roll Gets Hot.  Said that they do and if they roll a 1 they take a glancing hit.  Then he read it.

Can't Hurt Vehicles, Charging a Vehicle 40k6, pg 76

A unit can charge a vehicle in their Charge sub-phase.  The charge move is conducted the same as charging other enemy units.  However, a unit cannot charge a vehicle that it cannot hurt - it must have some possibility, no matter how small, of being able to inflict at least a glancing hit.

Context: Opponent mentioned he was surprised I didn't tank shock the Veterans on the objective.  Told him that was my plan in a previous turn.  Then thought it wouldn't matter because the Veterans can still be within 3" of the objective and still capture it.  Started measuring the Land Raider and remembered that models can't charge a vehicle they can't damage.  Veterans would have to remain an 1" away from the tank.  Land Raider from middle to side is 3".  The plan would've worked.  Next time I'll have to go for it.

slainte mhath


  1. You can't consolidate after fighting a tank. Brb p. 76 Top right.

    1. Completely agree, that's why I kept saying I wish they could consolidate after wrecking a vehicle.

    2. My fLamer toting Storm Guardians have racked up quite a few kills by hopping out and flaming enemy squads that have charged one of my nearby Wave Serpents. After the assault is done, they tend to be prime targets for templates of all kinds. The maneuver is easy to set up for usually, because most people can't help themselves when a juicy tank is just sitting there waiting to get ravaged.

    3. Damn that sounds painful, Spellduckwrong. Two flamers hitting a squad that assaulted a Wave Serpent is painful for the tightly packed squad. I'll have to steal you're tactic.

    4. And don't forget the small blast from the Plasma Grenade. So from a ten pack, you get two templates, a small blast, and seven Shuriken pistol shots. It's a pretty good hit from a 100pt unit.

    5. Didn't even think of the grenade. Usually don't use them, probably because it last time you can use them was in Rogue Trader. Thanks for the tip.

  2. stick a vet squad with combi flamers in those land raiders.

    1. Ryan, Vet squad in a Deathwing Land Raider?

    2. can't you take the land raider as a heavy support choice and pile them all in turn one?

    3. I don't think Land Raiders are available in the Imperial Guard codex. Don't have mine with me so I can't say for certain.
