Monday, October 7, 2013

Dire Avengers Complete part 3

This is a break or make moment for me.

JJ painting, after chatting with Toni about the armour plates decided to completely paint them.  Figured out that the armour plates not being fully painted was the issue.  I've painted shoulders and breasts plates four different colours.  Depending which one he likes the rest of the plates will be painted the same.  Then I'll finish the Dire Avengers and move onto Wraithguard/blades.

Worked on the crest and I completely agree with Toni.  Crest looks much better with blue instead of black.  Great call, Toni!

Thanks to Suijin for the suggestion.  Hopefully it helps.

slainte mhath


  1. My taste in minis leans towards your second take. I'm of the mind that it's getting too bright and a bit busy now. HOWEVER, if it's what the client wants and they are happy, then that is your benchmark. Working with the client, rather than trying to work around them is a rare skill. It's why I never could enjoy the commission side things, but probably why you'll be very successful. Keep up the nice work!

    1. Zab, you are a tremendous source of comfort. Your words have helped pulled me out of a rut I've been in. Thanks!

  2. Though a bit dark for my tastes, it is well executed. The work on the helm is what really sells the paint job. I just cannot find an OK paint scheme for my 20 Dire Avengers. I have ideas, but in reality I don't see myself running them anytime soon with the new codex making Guardians more appealing to me.

    1. Thanks, karandrs. Hope you don't mind me asking. Why do you prefer Guardians to Dire Avengers?

    2. I see Guardians and Dire Avengers as filling the same role; to get more Wave Serpents in the army. 10 Guardians are only 25 more points more than 5 Dire Avengers. The Exarch upgrade lost a lot of appeal with the loss of Bladestorm. The added stat upgrades to Guardians only gives the DAs a slight advantage in armor save, range and leadership. One the other side you get double the bodies, thus double the shots with the Guardians and more staying power.
