Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wraithguard/blades part 2 Crocodile Dundee Style

After cutting out almost all of the pieces for Wraithguard and Wraithblades it is time to magnetise them.

/Australian accent "That's not a lot of magnetisation"

JJ modeling, these are works in progress.  Commission for Toni.

/Australian accent "That's a lot of magetisation"

Going to redo the math on how much magnetisation will be done.  Ordered more magnets.  Should arrive Mon or Tues.

slainte mhath


  1. With that many, you're almost better off putting a powerful magnet in each shoulder and gluing a thin strip of metal on each arm part.
    Regardless, good luck in you endeavor here, it looks like a significant pile of work.

    1. That is a great idea, Spellduckwrong. Wonder what gauge of metal and if it where I would procure it. Will have to look around.

    2. Perhaps at a hardware store. You could fine some thin metal meshes or grating in the HVAC section, I would wager.

    3. I had an additional idea that I just verified. The razor blades from utility knives are magnetic and thin. That may be an easy way to go.

    4. Thanks, Spellduckwrong. Then it comes down to cutting them to appropriate size. Wonder if modelling clippers would be able to handle the task.

  2. Oh man. That looks like lot of work. Top marks for going all out with the magnetizing though!

    1. We'll find out if they put me in the looney bin after doing it. Thanks.
