Sunday, November 24, 2013

6th ed Rules of the Game: End of Combat Pile In requesting feeback

Here's a rule that came up in last game.  Would like others opinions for how it works.

JJ typing,

End of Combat Pile in, 40k6 pg 27

After the combat has been resolved, it can happen that some models from units that did not Fall Back are not in base contact with an enemy.  These models must make a Pile In move, starting with the side whose turn it is.  This is treated exactly like a start of Initiative step Pile In, as found on page 23.

Start of Initiative Step Pile in, 40k6 pg 23

At the start of each Initiative step, any model whose Initiative is equal to the value of the current Initiative step, that isn't already in base contact with an enemy model, must make a Pile In move.  A Pile In move is a 3" move that is performed in the following order.

  • First, any models Pile In if this will bring them into base contact with an enemy.
  • Second, any models Pile In if this will bring them to within 2" of a friendly model in base contact with an enemy. 
  • Any remaining models that are not in base contact with one or more enemy models and have yet to Pile In must now do so, and must attempt to get as close as possible to one or more of the enemy units locked in this combat
These moves follow the same rules as moving charging models, except that they are not slowed by difficult terrain (though it may still trigger Danger Terrain tests).  Also a Pile In move cannot be used to contact units that are not already involved in the assault.

Initiative Step, 40k6 pg 22

In close combat, slow lumbering opponents can often be dispatched quickly by faster and more agile foes.  However, many ponderous opponents are tough enough to withstand a vicious pummeling and keep coming back for more.  To represent this, a model's Initiative determines when he attacks in close combat.  Work your way through the Initiative values of the models engaged in the combat, starting with the highest and ending with the lowest.  This means that each combat will have ten Initiative steps, starting at Initiative 10 and working down to Initiative 1.  You'll  rarely have models fighting at all of the Initiative steps, so just skip any that don't apply.  Remember that models that charged through difficult terrain fight at Initiative step 1.

Context: Scarabs charge Purifiers.  End of combat Pile In occurs.  Here are the two ways this was talked about.  Must have discussed this for almost an hour.  At times opponent was hilarious how he was describing, arguing and things that occurred to him during the discussion.  Personal note: I rarely see things as an argument.  What I consider an argument is when both parties have raised their voices in anger.  Many do not see it that way.

First I'll describe how the opponent saw this. "End of Combat Pile In starts with side whose turn it is regardless of the models initiative step.  They move their models, then other side moves their models.  As he stated: The beginning of the Start of Initiative Step Pile In (At the start of each Initiative step, any model whose Initiative is equal to the value of the current Initiative step, that isn't already in base contact with an enemy model, must make a Pile In move.) does not apply. Only 'A Pile In move is a 3" move that is performed in the following order' applies.  The Start of the Initiative Step Pile In already happened at the beginning of assault and doesn't start all over again."

How I describe this.  "There's no argument that Start Initiative Step Pile In already occurred at the beginning of fight sub-phase.  End of Combat Pile In starts with the side whose turn it is following Starting of Initiative Step Pile In, meaning starting with models of the highest initiative step pile in first.  If there are two models at the same initiative step the side whose turn it is moves first.  Since Purifiers Initiative Step is higher than Scarabs, Purifiers would Pile In first then Scarabs.  Example: If there were one I 5, two I 4 and one I 3 at the end of combat.  First, I 5 model performs End of Combat Pile In on its Initiative Step even if its the other sides model.  Then, two I 4 models, each side has a model with I 4, the side whose turn it is moves their I 4 first, the other side moves their I 4.  Last, I 3 model, regardless of whose side its on, piles in last."

Here's the question: Do you use Initiative Step starting with 10 ending with 1 for End of Combat Pile In?  If you read it another way please share it.  Feel free to provide any references with page numbers.


slainte mhath


  1. Hi there JJ,

    I'm on your opponents side on this one, because imo you are reading too much into it, and interpreting things into this situation.

    I think the rule at the top leaves no questions: "...These models must make a Pile In move, starting with the side whose turn it is."
    e.g. I'm playing orks and my boyz charged your purifiers, at the end of combat my initiative 2 boyz pile in first, then your purifiers after I'm done.

    I understand where you are coming from, and yes, you could interprete it the way you did, but don't you agree that would make "end of combat pile in's" more complicated and time wasting than it's worth spending time on ? I don't think they've neglectfully used the wording "...starting with the side whose turn it is" if you gonna just use the iniative.

  2. Seems like the pg 27 is only really talking about a "single initiative step". I would think they would need more wording there to do it like you were saying JJ. Sadly most of this reasoning comes down to the "a" in "This is treated exactly like a start of Initiative step Pile In, as found on page 23.", which to me means a single or one.

    Anytime something comes down to a single word interpretation or semantics is kind of hard to say either way, but doing by initiative step does seem to add more complication than intended (which is really just guessing, because it isn't like they haven't written rules before that over complicate resolving something.
