Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lysander Completed

Have to say Brandon's right.  The more you paint the faster you get.  Painted this guy in half the time it took me to paint Tallarn's Chaplin.  Look forward to the day when I can paint one of these guys at this level in one sitting.  I'll give it a year.

JJ painting, friend Bryan wanted me to paint up Lysander in Black Templar colours.  Here's his email.

I think just painting him up like a Black Templar is more what I am thinking. With the helmet though, if you could, would you please paint it as an Imperial Fist helmet. Also, you can paint him as clean as you want. The Imperial Fists portion of my army will be coming in by drop pod and will look far different from my on the ground Black Templars.

This is a Warhammer 40k Black Templars commission.  Bryan's taking care of basing.

Will admit the helmet was the hardest part of this model.  Actually, the Black Templars emblem on the shield in the middle of the chest was the most challenging.  The helmet was still a problem.  Not painting, that was easy.  Wasn't til after it was done I said I should've made a "How to paint Imperial Fist colours."  Doh!  Next time.  Question was: have the helmet facing forward or looking over the shield like the Lysander model.  Wasn't sure which way to go until it was time to mount the helmet.  Decided looking over the shield would be more dynamic. Fortunately the way the pinning went it fit perfectly and didn't have to do any adjustments.

slainte mhath


  1. Very nice.Great high contrast on the black armor. and the crux is very very well done with the warm tones.

    1. Thanks, Zab. Think the crux is better painted up in bone colour. Deathwing from editions ago were painted up that way.

  2. Looks awesome, I like the "How to paint Imperial Fist colours." idea -LT

    1. Quite kind of you, LT. Damn I wish I took pictures of it. Extra post for the blog.

  3. Looks awesome! I am always impressed with your work. Cheers sir!

    1. I deeply appreciate it, brother. Think you'll like tomorrows post.

  4. Beautiful! This is some of your best work yet - great job, man!

    1. That is extremely kind of you, Mordian7th. There's something on this model that I want to do more with next time I get the chance.
