Sunday, March 2, 2014

Painting Power Weapons Quickly, a How to

Here's a quick tutorial on how to paint power weapons quickly.

JJ typing,

Tools used:

Iwata airbrush HP-CS
Vallejo Stormy Blue
Caledor Sky made into airbrush form
Lothern Blue made into airbrush form
Raphael Kolinsky Sable size 0 brush
Vallejo Model Air Steel

Unnecessary step:
Vallejo Model Colour Ghost Grey

Sword based Vallejo Stormy Blue.

Airbrush Caledor Sky starting at tip then work to about the middle of the blade.

Airbrush Lothern Blue again starting at tip and slowly building up on top third.  Spent more time working the tip of the blade with blue to make it pop more.

Power conductor Vallejo Model Air Steel.  Tada!  You're done.

Unnecessary step.  If you want that extra bit of oompf you can add a line of Vallejo Model Color Ghost Grey on the breaking edge of the blade. 

What if you wanted the blade in red instead of blue?

Replace Stormy Blue with Scab Red
Caledor Sky with Blood Red
Lothern Blue with Blazing Orange
Ghost Grey with Flash Gitz Yellow

Want the power weapon white?

Replace Stormy Blue with Lothern Blue
Lothern Blue with Ghost Grey
Ghost Grey with Ceramite White
Line?  Great question, my suggestion would be break up the light colour, thus making the white pop more, with a nice blue like Caledor Sky


Replace Stormy Blue with Caliban Green
Caledor Sky with Warpstone Glow
Lothern Blue with Goblin Green
Ghost Grey with Scorpion Green

slainte mhath


  1. That is one very cool power sword.

  2. Pretty cool tutorial, I like this technique, simple but has a really good effect!!!

  3. Simple, effective tutorial. I've always hated doing power weapons, but now I can give this a go with my airbrush.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Courtney. Like to see how your power weapons turn out.

  4. Looks awesome, Thanks for adding the other color ideas going to try the Red and Orange idea -LT

    1. Yeah, that's something I read on another site. Providing other colour options. Thanks, LT.
