Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Land Raider US part 1

Here's a model someone wants me to paint in exchange for one of my gift certificates he picked up at a recent GT.

JJ painting, this is a Land Raider US commission for Nate.  His Space Marine army is painted up in USA colours so he can use them for any chapter.  Didn't have any specifics except blue and a star somewhere.  Otherwise it's up to me what I want to do with the model.  He will be using this at Bugeater GT June 5th.  So there is some pressure to complete the model, along with other commissions, on time.

Candy striper anyone?

slainte mhath


  1. Painting the interior! How professional! I think I gave that a try once, then my door snapped off during a game. That was the end of that! Looks good so far!

    1. Thanks, Greg. Have to paint the interior. My goal is if the model has doors they can open. Wouldn't want someone to see an unpainted interior. Door snapping off during a game. No good.

      Wish the Nuln Oil would've worked better. Next time it will.

    2. A pin wash with oils would have worked better BUT they are more work. Seal minis with gloss, wash on oils, clean up excess with damp Qtip, seal mini again with flat, and continue to paint as normal. Ugh, who has the time for all that?! Nice to see some more 40k :)

    3. That does sound like some work.

      Nuln Oil isn't the same as Badab Black or other previous washes. Well it could be the base was airbrush paint instead of brushed. Not sure if that would affect it as much.

    4. That's true, if you want something closer to the old baddab and devlun mud i think it was army painter dark tone or strong tone that ron found were a great match over at from the warp.

    5. You are correct. Dark Tone is a great replacement for Badab Black and Strone Tone for Devlin Mud. Use them because of Ron's suggestion. Decided to try Nuln Oil because it wasn't being used for anything else.

  2. Those space marines will be riding in style! Love it so far!

    1. Thanks, Bee Cee. Hoping the next part will be better.
