Friday, June 6, 2014

Land Raider US Completed

Stick a fork in this guy.  He is finished.

JJ painting, this was a Land Raider US commission for Nate.


Who doesn't want a monogrammed tank?  Nate's initials on the plaque.

That was a damn fun ride.  Thanks coming coming along!

slainte mhath


  1. Absolutely lovely. Great attention to detail. Like how the wear came out (soot on the flamestorm cannons, etc). I think I would have liked some mud or something on the tracks, but that is always personal preference. I think some mud/browns would have provided some breakup with the other metal wear.

    So much detail on this guy. It must have been nerve wracking to put the sponge to that beautiful airbrushed star!

    1. Thanks a ton for all the supportive comments, Greg. It really means a lot.

      Completely agree something on the tracks will be nice. Nate insisted on giving me some cash for the paint job. Told him I'll take the cash only he gets it back to me after Bugeater so I can finish some final little bits. One of them will be putting something on the tracks. Tracks are too clean compared to the rest of the tank.

      Actually sponging the airbrushed star was a joy. There were a lot of mistakes on the star. The damage on the star made it perfect. As I mentioned in a previous post: There's perfection in being imperfect. To me the star was incomplete. No way in hell a perfectly painted star would go unscathed while the rest of the tank was being beaten to shit. If I was a guy attacking that tank. The star would be the first thing I'd hit.

  2. The "thud" you've just heard is my jaw hitting the keyboard. That is so awesome I'm struggling to find a word to sum up what an excellent job you've done.....

    This is the best I can do:

    1. Thanks for the chuckle, Tom. Really glad you like the land raider.

    2. I'd say "like" is an understatement. From what I've seen of your work (I've been snooping) I'd say this is your best yet.

    3. Thank you for the extremely kind words, Tom. It really means a lot. Personally I'm not sure which land raider I like better. This one or the Ebay Deathwing.

  3. A good lookin' ride too! But you spelled America wrong. I think it's spelled: "MERICA!"


    1. Thanks, Zab. hehe, don't mess with me like that. That joke went through my head several times when painting the word. Everytime I'm painting a word I'm always second guessing myself that its spelled correctly.
