Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mage Hunter Infiltrators part 3

These guys are coming along fast.

JJ painting, this is a Warmachine Retribution of Scyrah Mage Hunter Infiltrator commission for Sean.  Quite odd.  So far it has taken twice as long to paint nine of these compared to painting one test model.  Must have been distracted when doing the test model.  Really liking how these guys are turning out.  If we can figure out the green these guys would be done.

slainte mhath


  1. I like how you've painted the swords to look as though they've been used. As opposed to looking as if they have just been polished. Also, I had to enlarge the pictures to notice this but the goggles have been done really well.

    1. Thanks, Tom. Quite the perceptive eye. Kudos

  2. Really like the poses of these guys. They are coming along nicely. Are those dragon forge bases?

    1. Yeah, couldn't help but think of the sword fight at the beginning of Blade 2 with these guys poses. Thanks, Greg. Bases are actually Secret Weapon Miniatures.
