Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Armageddon Pattern Basilisks Completed

Had a good meeting with Mike.  Talked about the basilisks.  Couple of quick changes and additions then it was time to put them together.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Epic 40k Orks Super Heavies and Fighters

These guys were handed to me many months ago.  Now that my table is clear I can get to work on them.

Dystopian models used as Ork Super Heavies.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Cryx Battlegroup part 1

Here's a new set of models from an olde gamer buddy.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Too many projects.

Nate here, master of the Darkenvault. Got side tracked and didn't get it done till a few days ago but now Haakon Deathstalker and predator are finished.

Next up long fangs. Gotta get these done before new kits start coming out so I get tempted by new toys. 

Also look to be seeing a lot more of this in the coming months as the Renegade Open Grand tournament draws nearer.

How to Hinge Armaggedon Pattern Basilisk Rear Door

Hinging the rear doors on these models was the easiest hinging I've ever done.  What I thought was going to be a problem really wasn't.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Possibly My New Favourite Tool

Never really worked with green stuff, or liquid green stuff for that matter.  Eventually I'll start playing around with it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Armageddon Pattern Basilisks part 11

These guys went pretty quick Monday.  They are all but complete.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pantyhose for the Win!

Here's a how to for straining airbrush paints so thick pigment doesn't clog your airbrush.

Seriously, no nonsense.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Armageddon Pattern Basilisks part 10

Just a couple of more sessions and these should be done.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Armageddon Pattern Basilisks part 9

The hulls are done.  One less thing to worry about.  There are a lot of things in JJ land to worry about.

I'd suggest cutting the panels before painting.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Armageddon Pattern Basilisks part 8

Hull of the basilisks will be done in the next session.  Then working on cannons.  Expecting some issues with the door and connecting the canopy.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Painting Treads on a Tank, How to

So you, or they were already, glued the treads to a tank before painting them.  You don't want paint meant for the treads landing on the hull of the tank.  Here's a tip.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mage Hunter Infiltrators part 5

Finally I think I'm on the right track with the green.  Sent pics to Sean.  Let's see what he thinks.  This green is slowly killing me with its song.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Friday, July 11, 2014

Improving Imperial Fighters

Crew, it has been a bit.  I've missed you.  You're probably asking the same question I am.  What, a post?  What do I do?  The last week has been something else.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Designing a display board

I wanted to post this last week, but time ran out before Waaagh! Fest. I wasn't fully done, but good enough with working on it that morning to go. I have since then finished it up, at least for now. 

So on my process in building it. First I had to figure out what I was going to use for a base. This is largely based on how much I want to fit onto it, without being too big. Remember you will be transporting it, and then lugging it around a room full of other people and their little soldiers. I wanted it to big enough for a little room to grow, and an uncertain army makeup.

Next I drew up an idea with a few places in mind where certain units would likely go most of the time, but could accommodate different builds. I knew I wanted to have a few elevated areas. One with trees, and a larger one for the unit of fenrisiain wolves. 

Here we have my first photo. Once I had the idea, I hacked out some pieces for the hills. I was lucky to have a piece which matched up almost perfectly with the board I was using for the base. I then acquired some nice clean scraps from Home Depot, then glued it all together. The sides of the hills, I used some cereal box card to give it a smooth finish.

Here's the primed board after glueing on the sand and rocks. I had to hack down some of the base of the trees and then used milliput to fill around the base.

Here is what the board looked like at Waaagh! Fest. The painting is finished just have to get the flocking on. So much dry brushing.

Lastly the finished board.

And here we have the material I used for the flock. Mixed the grass together to get a dryer late fall kinda look. Gale force arid grass, basic green static parched, then a lot of GW scorched grass. The tall grass is army painters highland tufts. And the leaves from secret weapon miniatures. 

And then my take from Waaagh! Fest. It was close with Mr. Shawn Kilgore giving me a strong contest.


Friday, July 4, 2014

CONvergence 2014! Enjoy your 4th

This my eighth year at CON.  Almost every year it gets better.  Getting to know the CONCOM, convergence committee, and more.  Learning where my place in the organization.  Drinking less, yet getting more drunk.  Weird how that happens.  Having a gay-olde-tyme with CON-goers.  Damn I love this extended weekend long party.  While you're reading this I'll be in the Dealer's Room managing the barely formed chaos that is drama.  Happy 4th, 40kers.  Here's a toast to all of you.