Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Armageddon Pattern Basilisks Completed

Had a good meeting with Mike.  Talked about the basilisks.  Couple of quick changes and additions then it was time to put them together.

JJ painting, this is an Armageddon Pattern Basilisk commission for Mike.

Good thing I'll probably never go to a Games Day in England.  Should I ever get within arms reach of Daren Parrwood it will not end well for either of us.

slainte mhath


  1. These came out great! Quite a journey from start to finish. Good job and I hope the clients happy!

    1. Thanks. Somehow one of them had a mistake. Glad I found it. Quickly taped off the area and little touch up later and all fixed. Would've been bad if I didn't catch it. Nevermind embarrassing.

      YeAh it was a journey. Next two sets won't be as much. Now that I've learned Mike's eye.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Zab. Hopefully they wow people when put on the table.

  3. Absolutely fantastic work, man! I've really enjoyed seeing these come together, beautiful stuff!

    1. Really appreciate the compliments, Mordian7th.
