Monday, October 6, 2014

SGP Sales Eldar Wave Serpent Waltz part 7

Quite a productive day.

Based Army Painter Mat Black.

JJ painting, shouldn't be too much longer til these are finished.

Adeptus Mechanicus Grey for highlights.


Stormy Blue

Kantor Blue

Caledor Sky.  Zipper Leadbelcher.

Vallejo Brassy Brass for sensor tips.

Pilots mask and hose Army Painter Mat Black.

Skin Ushabti Bone, hair Army Painter Mat White and mask lens based Caliban Green, first highlight Goblin Green, last highlight Scorpion Green.

Light at top of display is Evil Sunz Scarlet, display Goblin Green, dots Evil Sunz Scarlet, lines Vallejo White Grey, line Flash Gitz Yellow, left arrow Ice Blue, right arrow Scorpion Green, base and triggers Vallejo Brassy Brass and light on console Regal Blue.

 slainte mhath

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