Sunday, December 14, 2014

Goreshade the Bastard part 2

This is a terribly fun model to paint.  Only the cloak remains.

JJ painting, this is a Warmachine Goreshade the Bastard and Deathwalker commission for Mike.

slainte mhath


  1. Looking good - i like that green! once everything else is done see if you can't push the green even lighter to give it more glowyness :) But wait until the rest is done in case it doesn't need it cause your darks might pop it enough.

    1. Yeah, that green turned out pretty good. Mixed some yellow with green to really make it pop. Wasn't quite at the glowiness I wanted. Model is done. Didn't think about ramping up the glowiness more.

  2. Really really great work on that green. Are you going to attempt any OSL on this model? That super bright green flame almost screams for it!

    I also really like how the green is working with that bronze/gold on the sword.

    1. Thanks. OSL didn't occur to me. The original model does have some OSL effect. Great point.

      Looking after it was finished reminded me of Wappels NMM.
