Monday, January 26, 2015

Crimson Hunter S.I. part 3

Need to figure out some sort of schedule for doing posts or get to the cropping and chopping pics more often.

JJ painting, this is a Eldar Crimson Hunter commission for Shawn.

Armour is 1:1 Army Painter Mat Black and Surf Aqua.

Screen Scorpion Green, target lock Evil Sunz Scarlet, other lights, Goblin Green, Ice Blue.

Flaps for the front section: dark Leadbelcher, light Iron Breaker.

Hawk Turquoise for base and Surf Aqua for Shawn's craftworld symbol.

Look what I found?  Among the parts that Shawn handed me was one of the canopies.  Now this viper is complete.

Caledor Sky for all the bulbs.

Sprayed the entire model with Vallejo Mat Varnish.  Because of the delicate airbrush paint wanted to give it some protection.  Don't want paint being scrapped due to an accident.

Canopy time.

Thinned some Ice Blue to match the airbrush blue.  Looks ok, meh.  Need to work more with thinning and applying paint.

slainte mhath


  1. This is my favorite example of this fighter ever. Those lines are so crisp, and so well done, it just makes the fighter look straight out of an anime or manga. I love it! So very well done. Super praises!!!!

    1. Thanks for the extremely kind words, Greg. Yeah, like you said those black lines really make it pop. It does look very anime, as Zab has said something from Robotech/Macross.

      Thinking about changing my painting style to be anime/manga. Everyone eventually finds their niche. hmmm

  2. Agree with all that Greg said.
    That is my favourite colour scheme for Eldar I've seen.
    Just WOW!

    1. Thanks, Malleas. Think you'll both really like the base.

  3. God Damn! That suits the Eldar aesthetic so well! Very clean and smooth. Nice work :)

    1. Thanks, Zab. When airbrushing this guy an idea of an Eldar army to ebay came to me. Samhain. Would be so easy to do. Everything on jetbikes and three crimson hunters all airbrushed like this but in black, red and orange (as a subtle highlight).

  4. That looks fantastic - some of your best work yet, man! Awesome stuff!

    1. Thanks a ton, Mordian7th. Appreciate the compliments.
