Sunday, January 13, 2013

Grey Knights Purifiers part 14

Had a great day painting.  Painted for 7 hours yesterday.  Looking forward to Sun.  Will start painting armour.

Wasn't sure what to do with the book on the shoulder.  Considered cover Vermin Brown and pages Dheneb Stone.  While going to bed couple of nights ago it hit me.  Burnished Gold with Gryphonne Sepia wash.  Books Auric Armour Gold, new Burnished Gold.

First wash of Gryphonne Sepia.

One wash was too light for me.  Hit it again.  Much better.

Metal clasps for ornaments Ironbreaker, new Chainmail.

Problem being colour blind is this.  Started painting tabbard Goblin Green but it didn't look right.  Then painted it on the Storm Bolter and yep wrong colour.  Warpstone Glow, new Snot Green.

Different squad tabbards based Caliban Green, new Dark Angels Green.  Again wasn't sure what to do with the tabbards.  Have them all be the same colour.  Then it occurred to me.  Paint the tabbard the same colour as the Storm Bolter.  Meshes nicely.

Line highlight Goblin Green on left.  Right sans highlight.

Goblin Green highlight for all tabbards.  Will probably end up doing weapons.

Two things left.  Perhaps three if I want to line highlight weapons.   Armour and sword icons.  These guys should be done by the end of the week.  Then Psyflemen.

slainte mhath

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