Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ebay Eldar Crimson Hunter part 3 - Tip to preserve the tips

This model is breezing by.  Won't rest on my laurels yet.  Sat is fast approaching.  Hubris now will bite me in the ass Sat at 7pm.

JJ painting, when painting the Eldar flyer, or any flyer with sharp tips, I suggest using poster tac on the tips: nose and wings.  Poster tac will keep them sharp and not pull the paint off them by repeatedly picking it up and putting it down.  Paint started coming off the tip of the nose.

Close up pics of the Poet's Moon.  There is a "how to" post coming next week.  Unfortunately don't have time to type it up.  Need to keep on task, "I had to keep my eye on the ball.  Winning the war, stopping the bloodshed -- those were the priorities!" Can you guess that quote?

slainte mhath


  1. Top notch work on this and wraithknight. love the stars and the fade and the crescent moon. Nice tip on the sticky tac too. Looking forward to the walkthrough!

    1. That is extremely nice of you say, Zab. Thanks.

      The moon was surprisingly simple to do.

  2. Amazing moon effect. Cant wait to see your army all together. Great work!

    1. eldaraddict, thanks for the compliment. These are my models. Going to sell them.

    2. Grrr, proof reading has escaped me yet again.

      These are *not my models.

  3. Nice! I wasn't sure what the white arc was supposed to be on the first set of pics you'd posted, but coupled with the star pattern on the Wraithknight and the new definition of the art in this post I have to say it looks spectacular! Good call on the blu-tac on the pointy bits of the model - I've definitely rubbed the paint off of some large models while painting that I ought to have protected like that. Great tip!

    1. Mordian7th, I deeply appreciate the compliments.

      I paint with camera lights, one over each shoulder, which is great to making the murder table very bright. Unfortunately when it comes to white paint on dark backgrounds, while taking pics with a smart phone you lose a lot of detail. I'm glad most of the craters appeared.
