Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight part 4

You know what they say about plans of mice and men.  Yeah, sigh.  Tomorrows a new day.

JJ painting, lost 3 hrs of painting today due to things getting in the way.  Good news is I have an extra 250$ spending money for CONvergence.  Have my eye on a leather pride kilt from Alt-Kilt.  They will probably bring one.  If not then I'll purchase which ever kilt catches my eye.  Hope to purchase two.  Started Pink Floyds catalogue.  Stopped painting on track 53 of 63.  Painted for a hour and half longer than usual in hope to make up for lost time.  Nevermind painting til 2:30am with the rent paying gig at 8am.  Not a successful commission artist yet.  Can't choose my sleeping hours.

Sword is purposely unpictured because there's a an "unveiling" I want to do with it.

slainte mhath


  1. I really like the stars used in the model. Really pops with the black.

    1. Thanks, Sean. Been meaning to cyberstalk your blog for the pic of the Failcast Thunderfire Cannon with the mis-mold issue.

      Have been thinking of doing something more with the black. Think I'll leave it.

  2. I have a rule of thumb that everything takes 3x longer than you think it should.

    1. That is a pretty standard rule. I should not allow myself to work within such time specific constraints, and let myself be comfortable when changes occur to those constraints.

    2. 6x if you're working with kids or animals ;) Looking sharp!

    3. Would imagine so seeing friends with children. Thanks.

  3. I call that 'The Pi Principle' and use 3.14

  4. Anon 11:14pm, you have me intrigued. What's Pi Principle?

  5. Pi as in the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference.

    He uses 3.14 (Pi) instead of my 3x.

    1. Got the Pi part. Didn't understand the context. Which I do now. I like because the average family has fractional numbers.
