Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ebay Eldar Crimson Hunter part 4

Damn this guy is breezing by.  If I wasn't so hell bent on painting the this and Wraithknight together this guy would be done.  There are so few parts left paint and work on.  Thinking I won't charge a lot for this model.

JJ painting, then again perhaps I should because of the mural.  That's what I called this guy when I was planning him months ago.  "Eldar Crimson Hunter 'Sunset' ".  The Wraithknight would be Sunrise.  Zab, let me know what you think of the growing shine?  Decided to try it on this model since he's so far ahead of schedule compared to Wraithknight.  Then again as Brandon from GMM Studios says "The more you paint the faster you get."  Perhaps that has some merit here.

Will end up doing more line highlighting <insert line highlight rant here> on the sunset part of the model.  With the growing shine on the dark side the model is clearly off balance.  Won't take too long to line highlight that part.

Decided to clean up the black with the airbrush.  Also decided to soften the edge of the moon.  Wow!  That turned out much better than expected.  Looks "cleaner" also.  A genuine haze instead of rough choppy white from bristle brush.  Made a huge mistake while blacking.  Part of the moon was hit.  After some quick repair, it doesn't even look like it was hit by the airbrush.  Probably can't tell where the mistake happened.

slainte mhath


  1. Really love how this model is coming out, and that moon is awesome.

    1. Thanks, Evan. I'm quite please how the moon turned out.

  2. That looks amazing. I'm not sure I would add the line highlights to the rest - or maybe flip the scheme and just black line the light side to keep them separate? Right now it's very striking. Almost anime like with those line highlights on the dark.

    1. Zab, that is what I mean by line highlighting making models look cartoon-y.

      Intriging idea black line highlighting sunset side. Don't think it will work. Though I could try it on a little part of the wing and airbrush over it. Say you have an email address for me to send you the pic to get your opinion? Evan you also? Actually I'll google you the pic Evan.

      Here's a question. Should Wraithknight receive the same treatment? Kind of thinking no.

      Thanks for the feedback, both of you!

    2. Sure thing. sgt.zab[at] I think if you add the line highlights to the rest it will look like sharp reflections. Not sure I would make them black though. Stick with what you did on the dark side or just black line the recesses on the light side to make it all pop. Whatever you decide it already looks stunning.

    3. Decided to go with your idea of leaving the sunset alone. One thought is that if I messed up the line on the airbrushed part I would be most f'd. Either fix it subtly or re-airbrush. Didn't consider it looking like a reflecting. Used a micron pen 005 between the plates already so the blues would make it look like one piece.

      Thanks, I'm not f'ing with that part anymore. In fact one more little piece, three really, and this guy is done. That can happen Thurs night depending how other parts of the Wraithknight go.

    4. Straight to the top of my follow list. Lovely controlled air-brushstrokes

    5. Damn, Henry, those are nice words. Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately there's only a little more work til this guy is done.
