Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight and Crimson Hunter part 6

Crimson Hunter only one thing left to paint on it. Wraithknight on the other hand had lots to do on him to get him to the next stage.

JJ painting, the rare Sat genuine post.  I know I'm in as much shock as you.  Called game off last night.  Hung out with Bryan and Connor talked Eldar, life and scatological acts.  I really wish I was kidding about the last part.  Having tonight off game really helped in allowing me to finish by my deadline: 11pm Sat.  Enough time to grab the models head out to Fantasy Flight and take advantage of their terrain and extremely well lit store to take pictures.  Won't be resizing them to 800 x 800.  Ebay will happily take large resolution pics.

These guys are done.  Wraithknight and Crimson Hunter are finished.  Basing and what I consider the "make or break" part of the model are left.  No stress at all.  /whince

Tomorrow the completed pics of these two models will land along with being put up on ebay.  eek, the sky was a dark blue not that long ago.  Now it is a moderate blue.  Almost like the legs and wing.  I need to post this and go to bed for the big finish.  See you at the aftermath.  Peace!  Not... literally.

Updated Suncannon.  Bloodletter washed yellow with line-highlight of yellow.  Also added that Blazing Orange line-highlight.

Instead of having an individual post of the Crimson Hunter with one pic decided to include it here.

slainte mhath