Wednesday, September 11, 2013

6th ed Rules of the Game: Assaulting from Destroyed Vehicle, Walkers Overwatch and Template Weapons

Here are a couple of rules that came up in last game.  Also would like some feedback on something that came up in the game.

JJ typing, 40K RULEBOOK v1.5 September Page 8

Q: If a unit disembarks from a destroyed vehicle during the enemy turn, can it Charge in the Assault phase of its own turn? (p80)

Context: Khorne Flesh Hounds assaulted a Rhino with five Purifiers.  I was under the impression that Purifiers can assault on their turn.  Connor thought differently.  We couldn't clearly find in the rulebook.  Wasn't til looking this up later and finding this in the FAQ that Connor's assumption was correct.

Walkers Overwatch 40k6 pg 84  repeat from link: 2012.10.16

Unlike other vehicles, Walkers can fire Overatch

Context: Soul Grinder was charging Psyflemen.  .

Template Weapons, 40k6 pg 52.  Requesting feedback.

Template weapons are indicated by having the word 'Template' for their range instead of a number.  Instead of rolling To Hit, simply place the template so that its narrow end is touching the base of the firing model and the rest of the template covers as many models in teh target unit as possible, without touching any other friendly models (including other models from the firing model's unit),  Any models fully or partially under the template are hit.  Against vehicles, the templates much be placed to cover as much of the vehicle as possible without touching a friendly model.  The position of the firer is used to determine which armour facing its hit (see page 73). A Template weapon never hits the model firing it.

Context: See above pic.  Herald wanted to use a flamer on Purifiers who were sitting in the wreckage of a Rhino.  Opponent wanted to cover all the Purifiers.  He could only get four when template was touching the side of the base nearest to Purifiers.  He then moved template so narrow end touched far side of the Heralds base so it would cover all five.  We had a lively, friendly and damned funny argument about it.  Including the pictures of template weapons on pg 53.  Requesting feedback.  Where can you put the narrow end of the template?

Spellduckwrong, here's a pic of a Wave Serpent panel Ushabti Bone faded to Flash Gitz Yellow.  What do you, and of course others, think?

slainte mhath


  1. Haha I dunno RAW I can't see a reason you couldn't place the template like that. After all the narrow end is touching the base.

    1. Yeah it was funny. Agree with you about RAW and the page reference. Felt it was a good question he brought up and damned sneaky of him.

  2. This is part of measuring how close a model or unit is to another. You are never measuring from the back to front edges, always closest edge to closest edge. Same as firing another weapon. Then again, I'm not sure considering rules as written might never have intended to defend against a point of view such as this. I would say its on him to be trying to go around the rules like this when you know how they meant it to work.

    1. Tyson, that is damned good information. You never measure from the back to front edges of the base. Thought the same thing about going around the rules. Had a fun time chatting with him about it.

    2. Placing a template is not measuring. You don't have to place the template so the end is as far away from your base as possible- you have to place it so the small end is touching your base (check) and so it covers the most models in the unit you are shooting (check).

    3. I politely disagree, ronnoc. Using a template is measuring. Otherwise there would no be no template. The template is the measuring stick when using those types of weapons.

    4. Regardless of all the RAW, I'd like to quote and twist Smokey the Bear,"Only you can prevent rules lawyers." Its up to you to make the game fun, and if you are always going around rules and using this game to your advantage just to win you are going to find yourself with less people to play against.

    5. Completely agree, Tyson.

      You should've heard the fun conversation. My opponent and I were laughing while talking about it. Even an onlooker was laughing with us.

  3. "without touching any other friendly models (including other models from the firing model's unit),"

    Clearly in violation hitting himself as well as a fleshound.

    1. Good catch, Hudson. Didn't catch that. Perhaps the angle of the camera makes it look like its touching the fleshound.

    2. I had placed it without touching the fleshhound, I was not being very careful when ASO asked me to place it again for the picture.

      'without touching any OTHER friendly models' Other other other other other

  4. I know people will argue for RAW, but sometimes you need to accept the obvious RAI. This is one of those times! You shouldn't be able to fire through yourself, just to hit more models! RAI is so obvious here, that unless you follow RAW puritanically, you have to follow it!

    1. Puritanical RAW. The new wave that takes over 40k. muahaha That is actually a good point. One time I was playing Connor with my Dark Eldar. He could see the shock prow on the Raider and wanted to shoot at it. Said that per the rules shock prow doesn't count for LOS. Connor appropriately said that I count the shock prow for movement. He had me dead to rights. Had to work with it. Needless to say the Raider was lunched by the shooting.

    2. I think you are thinking about this the wrong way. The game's rules are rather abstract. I always like to think of it as a representation of the firer's ability to control their weapon and hit what they want with it.

      I would also argue that RAI is clear in the other way. The wording was the same in 5th, if that's not what they wanted to happen, why wouldn't they change it? It takes more effort to put an 'other' in there allowing me to do this than it would to remove it and forbid me.

    3. I do see your point but I'm not reading this from the wording of the rule, rather, I'm seeing it from a common sense point of view! Don't get me wrong, in competitive play, it's RAW and if you we're playing me, I'd let you do it. I however wouldn't be able to bring myself to do it!!

  5. That panel is interesting, how do you feel about it? I'm not sure what I think about it on the same model as the mottled blue effect. Perhaps I like the straight yellow better, but with consistent dark areas,

    1. Thanks for the info, Spellduckwrong. Wanted to give the panel you mentioned a go. While part of me likes it. I think straight yellow would be better in the long run.

    2. It was worth a shot. Now, coming back to it, I agree that the straight yellow would be better.

    3. Thanks, Spellduckwrong. Was going to go with straight yellow. You have helped me be sure that is the better thing to do.
