Tuesday, September 10, 2013

6th ed Rules of the Game: Determining Cover Saves and Seize the Initiative Requesting Feedback [Update]

Here are a couple of rules from Saturdays game.

JJ typing, Determining Cover Saves, 40k6 pg 18.

If, when you come to allocate a Wound, the target model's body (as defined on page 8) is at least 25% obscured from the point of view of at least one firer, Wounds allocated to that model receive a cover save.

Context: Per above pic.  Purifiers were shooting at Khorne Flesh Hounds.  Some were obscured 25% or more.  Few weren't obscured at all.  Cover in 6th ed is model by model based not squad based like in previous editions.  Update.  XVRogue put an excellent way "It's basically saying that the best you roll is the worst of the unit, to avoid rolling shots for each model one at a time."  Even though a weren't obscured as long as some of the models, from rules description and XVRogue's assistance, all the Flesh Hounds would receive a 5+ cover save.

[Requesting feedback] Seize the Initiative, 40k6 pg 122.

If a player who is due to go second wishes to Seize the Initiative, he can roll a D6 before the beginning of the first turn.  On a roll of a 6, he successfully seizes the initiative and goes first instead.  His army has clearly outwitted that of his opponent.

Context: Opponent is of the mindset that someone can attempt to seize the initiative after its already been seized.  Here's the idea: Daemons win roll off and decide to deploy and go first.  Grey Knights deploy and go second.  Grey Knights seized the initiative and now going first.  Since the Daemons are now going second they can attempt to seize the initiative to go first after the Grey Knights already seized initiative.  The basis of this point is that in 5th ed it specifically says you can't attempt to seize after the opponent has seized.  In 6th it doesn't explicitly state that.  Effectively you'll be in a roll off until whoever fails to roll a 6 to seize.  Thoughts?

slainte mhath


  1. That's an interesting interpretation. I can see where it comes from, but I think the second-to-last sentence is supposed to be final; "he successfully seizes the initiative and goes first." I think that's intended to be final - success means the initiative is seized, and that's the end of it.

    1. I would agree. Have another rules of the game post coming up that I'm looking for feedback on several interesting interpretations.

  2. In response to point 1.

    Cover isn't "model by model," if even one model can't draw clear line of sight to an enemy model, any wounds allocated to it from the shooter's entire unit have cover. It's basically saying that the best you roll is the worst of the unit, to avoid rolling shots for each model one at a time.

    This is very important because it allows you to bypass models you don't want to shoot at.

    For example, a unit of Long Fangs with Missile Launchers shooting at a Crisis Suit team with an Iridium Commander in front.

    By making sure 1 Long Fang can't draw clear line of sight to the commander, you can focus fire the remaining squad, so that the 2+ commander can't tank, and the crisis suits suffer ID from the missiles.

    1. XVRogue: It's basically saying that the best you roll is the worst of the unit, to avoid rolling shots for each model one at a time. Nicely said. That convinces me. Thanks.

  3. I disagree.
    "If, when you come to allocate a Wound, the target model's body (as defined on page 8) is at least 25% obscured from the point of view of at least one firer, Wounds allocated to that model receive a cover save."

    Read it word for word. Allocate a wound, does it have cover from any of the firing models? If yes take the save, if no don't. If you have to shoot things you don't want to have a cover save use focus fire.

    1. Great point, Tyson. Exactly like XVRogue. Thanks for helping me out.

    2. I agree with Tyson. Referencing Focus Fire helps to put the saves in context.

    3. Completely agree. When I read that part of the rulebook it made a lot of sense to me as well.

  4. Don't have my book on me right now, but you don't have to fire with all your models, correct?

    This means if 1 or 2 models firing would give cover and you don't want to do that or focus fire you could choose not to fire with those models, then no enemy models get a cover save.

    1. Unfortunately 40k is much like me. All or nothing. You cannot choose to shoot with some of your weapons or Salvo 2 when Salvo 4 will do.

    2. pg. 13 of BRB:
      "A player can choose not to fire with certain models if he prefers (as some models may have One Use Only weapons, for example)."

      pg. 51 of BRB:
      "Remember that the player can decide that any model in a firing unit is not going to fire his weapon, however, if a model does fire, it must do so at full effect (so it cannot fire only 2 shots from its Heavy 3 weapon)."

      So you can choose not to shoot with models even if you have no good reason to do so. You do have to fire every shot if you fire though.

    3. DOh! That is what I get for ignoring the voice in my head that said to look it up in the rulebook last night. Silly me. Thanks for the reminder.
