Monday, September 23, 2013

Dire Avengers Complete

Never thought I would paint the new Dire Avengers.

JJ painting, these guys were fun.  So far it it is taking less time to paint these than I expected.  As of right now the amount of time put into these guys is just above my hourly wage at rent-paying-gig.  Quite pleased.  Hopefully it stays that way.

Have to say it is fun working with Toni.  He knows how he wants his models painted.  He sent me about twenty pics of the style he wants.

133 hours remain.  As 40k buddy Wade would say: You need to paint faster.

Shameless plug.  Please visit link: facebook silver gargoyle productions page and click like.  I'm eighteen likes away from the page going public.  Pages need fifty likes to go public.  Thanks!

slainte mhath


  1. I like that wil-o-the wisp type pattern on the helmets. I could totally see that being the first thing to emerge from the shadows as they step into combat.

    1. Love the imagination of fellow modellers. Didn't even think of that, Zab.

  2. Love the patterns on the helmet. These minis are great, but that just sells them totally! Nice job. Btw, the page is liked! Didn't realise it was on Facebook!

    1. Thanks, 17yearoldhobbyist! Wanted a wavy look on the helmets. Not all of them going the same direction. FB page has only been up for about 20 days. Thanks for liking it.

    2. Meant to ask this in the first comment but forgot two seconds later: what's the basing scheme for these guys?

    3. Looking for some broken lava, mantle, that is not hot. Blackened rock.

  3. I think those turned out rather well.
