Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cemetery Gates

Nate here, Master of the Darkenvault finally getting a post on here again. Too many projects being fiddled with, none getting traction. Only piece finished recently was this cemetery

Behold the refuge of the dead. Enter the eternal silence of their realm. 

I have finished the graveyard for dreamers games. Put more time in then I wanted to but I can't help myself. Had to cut some detail work short, but I would probably still be painting skulls right now if I didn't. We won't mention the roses either. 

Some small detail shots of fun little spots that I am sure will be noticed and appreciated all time whilst is being used in games.

Have get some photos with the grass added.

Finally here is the cemetery with the center pieces removed to demonstrate its versitility in game play.

Lost in necropolis... 


  1. This is a stunning piece. The amount of detail is almost intimidating. How long did it take you to paint this? I'd be so giddy to play with such a lovely piece of terrain. It's got more character then some armies!
