Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cryx Battlegroup part 2

It has been too long since I've last touched these.  Need to finish these and clear them from my table.

JJ painting this is a Warmachine Cryx Battlegroup commission for Mike.

"It's the last 15 minutes that you put into the model that they see." ~ Cathy and Jim Wappel.  Holy shit!  While the saying meant something I never fully understood it til just now.  Next post I'll put pics of this and it finished to emphasize the point.  Can see how it'll look in my head and there's a world of difference that makes those last 15 mins everything.

slainte mhath


  1. I agree with that statement too. The final highlights and details really transform the models. It's my favorite part!

    1. Kind of torn which is my favourite, assembling or painting. So hard to choose. /wink

  2. Lovely work so far. Great modulation on the Armour. You should check out Jim's DVDs. Took me a while to get how his technique works, but after about 4 minis there as a click and it made sense. Even after watching his DVDs I would love to take a class with him to learn a bit more.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Zab. Armour worked out better than I thought. Would like to get his complete dvd set. Actually plan on painting a mini up in his style soon.

      He's an absolute great guy to chat with. Have an post I've been meaning to write up about him and Cathy.

    2. Having spoken to James online, I'd highly agree. He is one of the artists I aspire too!

    3. Right with you, hope to paint marble and NMM like him some time.
