Wednesday, September 17, 2014

IG Vahallan Epic 40k test models

Been quite sometime since I've been in this place.  There are one weeks worth of posts all done and ready to go.  If it keeps at this pace I'll easily have two weeks of posts ready.

Front of set A

JJ painting, these are test models for an IG Epic 40k commission for Brad.  Had a couple of different takes based on original Vahallan scheme on GWs site.  Will run them by Brad and see which set he likes then start working on the rest.  Something I learned from a client some time ago.  Instead of repainting over and over again, it is best to provide choices.  Also far less frustrating.

Back of set A

Front of set B

Back of set B

Front of set C

Front of set C

slainte mhath


  1. Looking good. Maybe give the white and camo a thin wash of something close to shadow grey just to give them some contrast and cool down the white bit? I'm six weeks ahead or something crazy like that. For a while I was almost 10 weeks out o_O Feels good not to have that pressure right?

    1. Wow! Six weeks ahead. I truly envy you, Zab.

      Great idea of using a shadow grey wash. Will give that a try tonight,no was worried about how usual washes would affect e white. I personally like the bright white. Generally an overall fan of white on models.

      You're right. Feels damn good not having the pressure.

  2. I haven't dealt with epic much..but would a wash of grey be too much for the models??? just a question/suggestion..

    1. Anon 11:26, a grey wash maybe the answer.

  3. have two weeks queued up. Here I am waiting for an amazon delivery to do a review, and I missed my monday's post. I need to organize better :).
    Can you put a coin or something by these models? They look ridiculously tiny.

    1. Right with you in organization. Would ask about the review, would rather wait in anticipation for your post.

      Great idea. Will do that tonight.

    2. It's all ready to go, will be up in the morning! If you have any lights or lighting you recommend, just reply to this post (or just want to share your setup), and I'll add it as well. It's a two parter. The post links to the review, but the post itself has other bloggers recommendations, so everyone can see what everyone is doing to light their workbenches.

    3. Now I'm definitely interested looking forward to your post tomorrow. Thanks
